LeBron is way the best basketball player in the world, and has been for every moment of his NBA career.
LeBron is way the best basketball player in the world, and has been for every moment of his NBA career.
As a white dude, I don’t find “honky” the least bit offensive. Or any other term that’s supposed to denigrate white people. I think “honky” is funny. Casper, whitey, honky, cracker, whatever. They’re all great.
Yeah but LaRoche’s faith is a sub-story of this all and no one at Deadspin/Gawker would ever pass up an opportunity to belittle someone for their backward beliefs.
Yeah, hate Laroche and his dumb kid but this is gawker and Laroche is religious and friends with the duck dynasty people so the narrative already wrote itself.
You know, something that irritates me on Gawker (the actual site, not the media group) is the “I’m not saying, I’m just saying” tone of certain posts. Like, you know the writer is making a value judgement about something, but they’re stopping *just* short of coming out and making it. It’s the equivalent of a sibling…
It’s being covered like this because LaRoche is buddies with the Duck Dynasty guys.
You're rude as hell
what if...I was realized that and I was talking to other commenters to facilitate discussion in what is always an echo chamber anyway? And what if I said outright I wasn’t referring to Stassa or criticizing her at all?
I loved Bowie’s music, but a 14 year old can’t legally consent. He’s a rapist whether she liked the experience or not.
weird, everyone called holtzclaw white when it was convenient for them
well thanks for the sweeping generalizations about me and the intelligence of every undecided voter out there that you have of course met and assessed. I don’t even know how to address your condescending fuckery so I’m not going to try....
Courtney either directly or hired someone to kill Kurt
There’s no way Lee Harvey Oswald acted or shot alone in JFK’s assassination.
“It’s almost impossible to prove a defamation case,”....unless you are Hulk Hogan
Creeper, stalking profiles. Must be a Seahawks fan.
Banners/signs aren’t allowed in the stadium. Also, the fanbase has strengthed over the years, which is no easy feat for a newish team in a state with significant migrants. He has the opportunity to be our best player (likely already is) and a franchise icon. The man is amped and won’t let others disrespect the…
Are Seahawks fans quickly becoming the #BestFansInBaseball of the NFL?
out of hundreds of businesses he owns, 4 of them filed for chapter 11. Which is restructing. Basically, you’re an idiot.
When someone doesn’t agree with you reflexively calling them an idiot or other names reflects poorly on you.
CAIR is a fucking joke. They are funded in part by the goddamn Muslim Brotherhood.