“But, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, we don’t celebrate deaths or birthdays, and we don’t want people to think we’re behind all the festivities.”
“But, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, we don’t celebrate deaths or birthdays, and we don’t want people to think we’re behind all the festivities.”
Also, they're running a headline right now that reads:
There's not, you don't have to wager anything at all.
What kind of fucking idiot asshole feeds their dog a diet of white castle burgers and pizza? I didn't click any of the links or watch the video so maybe that's a joke. If it's not a joke and the previous owner actually did that they should never have pets (or children) again. I hate to be That Commenter, but that's…
So they think it's only racist because of the n-word? Let's do a test:
Kotex, because women are as sensitive as cats. (Did she say hoo-hoo?)
Another pro-lifer GOP type who values life right up till birth.
I already had a FB friend bemoan the lack of separation of church and state... And then go on to say that this country was founded on Christian principles. #confusion I'm looking hard for a pot for her to piss in, but I'm coming up short.
The transit museum is fucking awesome. They have one car of every type of train throughout the MTA's history on display, and they all have amazing retro ads in them. The Etti-Cat ones were always my fave.
I was with a dude for four years. Repeatedly showed him where it was. He could never find it on his own. Also thought you couldn't have sex from behind without it being anal. Also wouldn't let me go down on him for 2 years because "that's where the pee comes out." Also refused to reciprocate because, "the vagina is…
I hope the cat claws the shit out this douche's face. Then I hope the cat finds decent people to live with.
:( I like to embarrass my cats as much as the next person, but causing intentional physical harm? Wtf? What is wrong with these people?
ALRIGHT DUGGARS! This time you have gone too far!!! You leave that cat alone!!!