
ya, more of a commentary on HIM, not the victim.


I want to defend him but I know that predators love to use systems like these to get at victims. The latest being Fogel and his help the children charity...

“Hindsight is 20/20 and in my desire to help her as she was displaced, I did not protect myself,” Wade writes, “As I did not know her or her prior behavior other than substance abuse that I was told she had ‘kicked.’”

Stay off of the internet then. People aren’t going to not talk about something just because you haven’t got a clue what’s going on.

I find it fascinating where the line is drawn. Essentially, it isn’t the civil rights, it is at what point is a person alive? One could argue that a fetus is alive at the zygote stage, once cellular reproduction has started. One could argue that it isn’t alive until it is far enough along to have it’s sex determined,

It is. They are still sketchy as fuck.

He’s using them to remove the spring. Isn't that normal?

Not to antagonize you, but I find your position interesting. One could argue that a baby can’t survive on its own after being born. It requires the mother’s care. As does the fetus inside of her. If the ability to survive is the criteria for having civil rights, a baby doesn’t have them, either.

As vehemently pro-choice I am, I think that criticism is somewhat unfair. The way they see it, a fetus is a baby - and babies are innocent. People who are on death row are violent murderers, and not innocent.

Maybe his post has been on hold all this time.

Except it is really not that new. Conservation has been a driving force for zoological facilities for the last several decades.

I said this on another thread, but some zoos do actually help and protect animals. I’m actually not the biggest zoo fan, but hearing of the work the San Diego Zoo and others have done has changed my mind a bit. These tigers are dying out and a lot of zoos have gone into the “business” of cultivation and sustainability

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.

Have you never been to a zoo? Your post just seems judgmental especially in the face of death. Maybe zoos do suck, but why are they dumbass hicks and not also children in wonder, why is she an imbecile when it’s not like they go around handing out zoo jobs and she probably had an extensive wealth of knowledge about

There are a couple hundred Malayan tigers left; just leaving them all where they live is maybe not the best way to still have Malayan tigers in ten years.

It is in this country.

This whole situation is Exhibit A of what’s wrong with our society. Bad things happened to people doing something reckless and everyone is suing everyone else. Damned depressing.

Look at this.... I bet scott is gonna fix all the problems with black socks and bright polos.

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.