This is the problem with Barry's writing. Reading about the ancient olympics is very cool but I have no idea of any of the facts are legitimate or just pulled from Wikipedia. There is no fact checking because, well, that would be good journalism
This is the problem with Barry's writing. Reading about the ancient olympics is very cool but I have no idea of any of the facts are legitimate or just pulled from Wikipedia. There is no fact checking because, well, that would be good journalism
My favorite hobby is being a SJW and male feminist in the comments of kinja. It gives me a real sense of moral superiority. I also like getting pegged but refuse to come out of the closet so I'll just admire athlete dicks and read TomLey posts
Such a good, snarky white knight. Did that post help with your social anxiety and living knowing that you've disappointed your family?
She's not competing against everyone in the world; she's competing against Olympians. At that level, virtually every male swimmer would crush her . Times are objective and bear this out.
Trigger warning please. You're saying women should be confined.
She's a great women's swimmer but saying she holds any world record is insane.
Good male feminist. Her world “records” would get crushed by any competent male Olympian swimmer
Ledecky is all the rage with male feminists.