
Also, he’s white, soooooo....

Doesn’t count, though, because as we all know, women aren’t people.

“It was a joke for (my husband).”

But at least the children raped by his subordinates will be forced to carry their own child to term even though their bodies aren’t ready to give birth! That’s... fucking horrifying.

“The Jews who died in the Holocaust had a chance to laugh, play, sing, dance, learn, and love each other.”

The man who cited the Holocaust now runs an archipelago of concentration camps for children. Get lost, you fucking hypocrite.

Under Ohio law, strippers are not allowed to touch patrons—unless it’s a family member.

I don’t like her music, but dammit if I do like her.

Oh here you are. I was wondering how I read an article about a person who’d spent time in jail without hearing from one of the assholes who used to flood HamNo’s letters from prisoners posts, and then you came through. I didn’t actually miss the way your ilk ignores an entire article of well written insight to dwell

As someone who was incarcerated for 2 years, I met many men with life or essentially life sentences, and I can absolutely attest to how impossible it is to keep up with technology in this ever-changing world when you are completely cut off from civilization in jail.

I have a hunch about this guy. I think he secretly enjoys the power he has in a dependent community, more so than staying out of a sense of service to an under served population.

He likes to stay where he knows, he’s just a little bit smarter than everyone else.

Also, can you even imagine what they would say about a Black woman with 6 kids by 3 men

Yeah, it’s awesome to see that this is where some of the $23,000 I paid in taxes to the federal government are going.

Look, I get that a poor person can be the victim of an unplanned pregnancy, and maybe prevented from dealing with it due to lack of abortion access or political/religious indoctrination, but when you’re dirt poor and working on baby number six...goddamn, people. Stop doing that. Baby number two didn’t fix your

This is great article, and I did indeed read the entire thing. Does that mean I can post an angry, politicized take on it? Because a state that refuses to provide any sex education, a region with massive unemployment and underemployment, too few doctors, doctors who refuse to provide abortions, and people who continue

You had time to write an epic comment like this but not to read the article you’re commenting on?

Yeah. These names aren’t American enough. Why can’t these people assimilate?

These are the same fucking people who think immigrants are an economic burden on the country.

Not NEARLY as bad as the other kid’s name: Brhayeannon...wtf is that 

I’m from the middle of nowhere South. And I can’t help thinking, all this would be solved if people would fucking use birth control and stop having babies when the community is dirt poor and those kids are just going to grow up suffering.