
No. Because she had only been on the SC for 15 years (which is very little) and also there never in history had been a sociopath like McConnell who just refused to even hear any of Obama’s nominees. Nominating Supreme Court Judges was in some small token way a bipartisan endeavour, historically. This was utterly

I have... not been doing well mentally these days. I made a decision that I’m only allowing myself 1 hour of news every day (I was spending well over 2 hours across all the websites). Thank you for the Barf Bag, I often will click through and read the articles that have been rounded up. I really appreciate that

I’ve been trying to get a COVID test for the past few days and I had no idea how difficult it still was.

She speaks her native language, plus enough English to get by. She dropped out of college. Her “modeling” was cheap porn. She was and is a racist birther who used her gig as First Lady to make it clear that she “really doesn’t care” a bit about children suffering in cages. She went to the border, stared cross-eyed at

Because family complicates things, I give Mary L. Trump a pass - the rest of these opportunists can go fuck themselves. I’ve grown weary of people doing what they knew was wrong, profiting, getting fired or quitting, then trying to warn us “Can you believe how crazy this is?”. Of course I can believe it, what I can’t

I disagree.  The did drain the swamp.  Then they hired and married all the muck they found at the bottom.

She was reportedly canned shortly after the inauguration for raking in $26 million for her personal media firm.

Yeah, that’s a hilarious addition to me because the Shake Shake thing was immediately called out as people realized it was impossible to determine the customers were cops in advance, so the payment method was mentioned here early on to head that off at the pass.

It’s bullshit, of course, but that won’t stop cops from

This 100%. You know what the UN is figuring out how to do? Negotiate around America. What’s NATO up to? Figuring out how to negotiate around America. What’s the WHO up to? Figuring out how to get around America. The G7? G20?

I grew up with tales of America. My father lived through WW2 and instilled in me from the youngest age this version of America that crossed two oceans to save the world at the cost of her own. Later I realized that the US had its own interests to protect, but still I felt that the world owed America for, well,

And I firmly believe that the next time I step foot in Somalia, the United States will have regained the respect and reverence that led my family to risk everything to migrate here thirty years ago.

A bit of a tangent but, that re: the phrase “A few bad apples”:

iPhones are capable taking commercial quality photos and videos with the right software; and are a lot easier to carry than pro cameras. 

Jesus. The literal Birmingham Jail. You’d think they’d have a better sense of optics, but...no.

I assume Officer Pigfucker has his name redacted because you’ve lodged an official complaint and publishing his identity would give them an excuse to block it. Your experience must have been terrifying and I’m thankful you

I think it’s because you haven’t seen the full video. I’ve seen tons of police brutality videos. Generally, they’re short and if they end in death it’s from a gun shot. This was different. It was long and slow and painful and my hands kept clenching into fists wanting to reach into the screen and stop it (never had a

In regards to how challenging they were WARNED it would be, they said in a video that God would give them the strength or whatever. For all my Christians out there: IF YOU HAVE TO ASK GOD OR ANY OTHER MYSTICAL CREATURE FOR THE STRENGTH TO DO SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO DO IT.

The part about consulting Huxley on the decision is insane - 4 year olds, even ones without developmental delays, are not in a position to make decisions like that. That’s what parents are for! Heck, my 4 year old told me yesterday that she “doesn’t like to eat” - I didn’t just fold and say “ok, you can skip dinner”.

Starred for “I’m no phrenologist, but...” You just don’t hear that much these days.

Now playing

Apparently she did it for months and wanted to find another ‘special needs’ kid that wasn’t as needy. People found her in the Special Needs Facebook Groups trawling for another one and called her out on it.

Oh and the bullshit about ‘not knowing his needs?’...Yea they knew.

I know this is a petty complaint and there are 100 worse things that these awful people did, but also- fuck them for naming this poor kid Huxley.