
I mean the ones who aren’t racists, war criminals, or effectively brain dead, who didn’t get million dollar tax cuts, but the ones who live normal lives, are good neighbors, and love their families.

Who is saying that they want to get rid of police? I know there are people who want to get rid of cops and the word they use is “abolish” which is not the same, nor is is a synonym for “defund.”

Here’s an idea: all body cam footage - from every police force in the country employing body cams - should be uploaded directly from the cameras to the cloud at regular, randomly-determined intervals throughout the day, and instantly accessible (and regularly reviewed) by independent local public watchdog groups.

Plenty of these pathetic excuses for police are part of “secret” Facebook groups. The whole god-damned orchard is rotten indeed.

Republicans want to strengthen our economy 

Cut the check, Vanessa.

Hey! I always look forward to seeing Pete. He has a weird unexplainable charisma, and I def have a soft spot for him - but since I’m many, many years older I mostly want to fix him a snack, ask how his therapy is going, and counsel him about his life choices.

Sorry, not interested in going into the whole ‘are people allowed to make rape jokes or not’ debate because it’s pointless (since you’ll never get people to agree) and therefore boring. Personally, I’m incapable of being offended and I think anything is fair game as long as it’s smart and funny (or, in the case of

Sure, her phrasing might have been a little off but if you’re gonna wish prison rape on anyone, Trump is it. I can’t believe I’m defending her (I loathe Will & Grace (except for Karen, she’s a gem) and find Messing annoying as hell but yeah, this gets zero outrage from me. 

She shouldn’t have said this, but as a “victim” I’m not so delicate that words/jokes like this send me into a tizzy, there’s no need to baby us.

I’m a sexual abuse survivor and I couldn’t think of anyone else I would wish that trauma on. But this does not bother me.

I’d say that situation is when it’s directed at an evil, racist, bigotted, self-serving rapist and thief, who has negatively effected (talk about an understatement!) a great number of people around the world.
And brags about it.
I realize my opinion is not popular here, and if it was anyone else I would be outraged,

you cant get sued for what??? a fictional story? if you wanna jump on the trump train and remove protections of section 230 then let everyone get sued for what they put on television and theaters and websites then go ahead. but then be ready to lose all art and media because noone will want to risk some asshole suing

It’s Dolly Parton, it’s a joke, she doesn’t take herself very seriously. This is one of many reasons people should be more like Dolly Parton.

Sounds like your dad’s less fun version of Festivus. 

I don’t have a child but I’m honestly just fucking exhausted by how many ways the government in this country suppresses women and people of color and poor people.

Kind of wish all these millennials who “don’t think we need feminism anymore” would read the damn book. What was true then is still true now.

If the anti-abortion people were actually about reducing abortions, they would be all for sex ed and access to contraceptives. The fact that they hate those things even more than abortion shows what it’s actually about:

I feel like I should speak up for a (probably small) demographic. I care deeply about abortion rights, and have since I was about 10. BUT I don’t always click on each story for the simple reason that 1. I know it will piss me off and I have a 4yo in lockdown and can’t afford to lose any more patience than I already do