
why does everyone think she doesn’t enjoy being the first lady, just because she’s bad at it??  I think she loves it - she gets to wear lots of expensive clothes, gets her photo taken way more often than when she was a second-rate model, and no one in a position of power can really afford to treat her like the

I think the fact that she’s an ‘upstart’ from the colonies who ‘doesn’t know her place’ is part of it too.. The last royal that married a divorced American had to give up his throne.. The racism is just the icing on the cake..

comsidering the age of the rest of the cast, entirely appropriate IMHO

so this isn’t totally related - but I jsut started a new hob and I just wanted to ask: is there a specific word or phrase to cover that unique moment and feeling of horror when the seemingly very nice person you were talking to drops the bomb about how much they love/ support etc. Trump.. It doesn’t happen very often

I was always a Frederick’s kind of girl - but then I worked for them in the early 90's at the mall, and even then they had full benefits, dental, vision and retirement even for part-time employees... 

Jeez no! If he had a stroke, Pence would take over - and it would really get ugly as he recruited all of his evangelicals to send us back to the dark ages..Trump is disgusting and horrible* but Pence is insidious, (and cloaked in a cape of religious rightousness) which makes him more dangerous.. the ayatollah of the

the first 12 weeks are when the neural tube (eventually the brain and spinal cord) are formed, so yes - you can cause serious malformations and defects.  See a doctor and be sure to disclose your concerns.

you missed a critical point of Queenies little defense - her family “saw” concentration camps - they weren’t in them.  Descendents of people who were are equalled horrified by this situation