
Any Bernie Bro who saw Mike Pence’s speech and still plans on voting Jill Stein or writing in Bernie is a Goddamn coward.

Yeah, she blames Hillary Clinton for the Benghazi attack but gives a total pass to the Republican congress who refused, on multiple occasions, to authorize additional resources to the embassy that could have prevented this. Just incredible.

Watching this it just dawned on me “can you image grandpa blaming FDR or IKE for being attacked during the Battle Of The Bulge?”

This convention is a carnival of the Gotta Hear Both* Sides! approach media has aggressively taken since around Obama’s first run for president. I don’t know how I can still be surprised, but here we are.
*But mostly the side that is armed with zero facts and a lot of race/gender anxiety

These tweets comparing Leslie to a gorilla are so fucking vile. I’m trying to report all of them but damn do these racist trolls come out in numbers.

I get it. Sounds wonderfully freeing to pat the doc on the hand and say “oh darling, I can’t be bothered with ANY of that.” Probably adds five years to your life.

This might be screaming into the void, but can we please avoid leaping to wild conclusions before we have all of the answers? This was obviously a terrible event, but it won’t be made any better by wild speculation and finger-pointing. Let’s get the facts before we start calling for action against groups or people who

Also, what is the point of a Murphy bed? I mean, you need enough floor space to accommodate the bed anyway, so you can only use that space temporarily during the day anyway. I mean, you’re not going to want to move furniture into that space. It’s not like there’s something stopping you from putting a half-finished

The Asian woman, in particular! Fancy that!

We won’t forget when chritter, moderator of an almost-all-female forum, posted this:

I don’t know but I think it’s pretty low to call her a walking benzo.

No, that second one is a clit ring.

For real!

“Frank’s posted a plot-thickening, grammatically unfortunate statement.”

So she thinks she’s smart and wants other people to value that about her? How terrible.

Oh I know! Smart people, especially smart women, that indulge their intellect without being appropriately self-deprecating are just THE WORST. Who do they think they are? Why do they have to be so serious and why can't they be more funny? I bet they secretly think they're better than all of us.

Gosh, I just realized my husband and I are waaaay more insufferably intellectual than these two. I’m glad we aren’t narcissistic enough to publish our conversations.

Still not sure why there is so much hate for Natalie Portman on this site... Could someone please explain what she did wrong other than be that friend that means well, but comes off a little pretentious?

Ugh - I can’t even hate read this site anymore...