
How generous of you to not have a problem when I have a glass once in awhile.

Wow. I guess part of it is just the shock that they’d have the nerve to turn away a woman who’s having a miscarriage, which is an awkward, bloody, messy, unsanitary process, and above all, likely very painful and stressful. I mean, unless there was some kind of public health crisis at the moment and they were

I felt the same way about the movie. It did not leave a lasting impression on me. The original trailer with the original actors got me hyped for the film. I feel like once they got proper Hollywood funding the film lost something. Will I watch the show? Yes, I will give it a try, but I am not all that excited for it.

Cue the white hysteria.

There is no way cops identified an 8-week old fetus. It would be the size of a jelly bean and wouldn’t even be at the tadpole much less human stage.

An 8-week-old fetus? At that stage it’s the size of a marble and barely recognizable as human. How did they even know what it was?

I recently heard an interview with Julia Sweeney, and she said she was completely mystified that people still come up to her ask whether Pat was a man or a woman. She said the entire point was that it never mattered, the joke wasn’t on Pat, it was on the characters who lost their minds they came into contact with Pat.

Star just for the fucking parenthetical at the end, I am dying.

Given that by merely existing as woman is tantamount to playing the Woman Card, an invalid and taboo political strategy (as opposed to playing the Man Offended By The Woman Card Card, Trump’s current strategy), the only potential candidate who is not so ostentatiously female as Hillary Clinton is SNL’s Pat.

“she should meet his insults with a cheery silence”

“...eats 51 bananas a day...”

Ugh why do my fellow vegans have to be so embarrassing. It's like for every single cool vegan, like Prince, there are a thousand militant assholes.

I leave work at 5 to pick up 2 kids before 6 so I don’t get fucking charged $1 minute past that. Then I fire the laptop back up and work one of my two jobs until goddamn midnight. So... yeah... I’m totally slacking off and expecting everyone else to cover for me.

Like, is that what being a parent is? Keeping them from dying and giving them support and love?

It’s like she thinks that moms were always moms and we have no basis from which to compare our lives pre and post children.

I think that the mothers should apologize to this lady. While you/we were all getting free little bags of soft serve feces, internet dating was forcing this woman and her friend to drink margaritas by the pitcher.

Ok, now that I read her article, I totally get it. She is very much saying “I’m so jelly of those lucky women who get to leave early/ go on maternity leave while we do all the work! We all deserve me time” Barf.

Except that in the original NY Post article, she refers to maternity leave as a “socially mandated time and space for self-reflection.”

I read an interview with Ms. Foye and she whined about how moms get to leave work to pick up their kids from school but she’d get shit if she left work to console a friend who had a bad OK Cupid date. Are you fucking kidding me?