
Bernie has also proven on numerous occasions that you can outspend your opponent and still lose. Which was the case for him not long ago when he outspent Hillary and lost multiple times.

How is this either a “major upset” or at all “unexpected”? Clinton didn’t contest Indiana, didn’t spend a cent on ads or any time there while Bernie was pouring in millions, even in the past few days her surrogates clearly said they didn’t really expect to win it, polls or no.

Does anyone else fear that the constant awarding a “winner” and “loser” in votes that hand out delegate via percentage points, so really Bernie won 5-8 delegates more than Hillary (closing in on her by 5%, maybe? I don’t do math) but it revs up excitement about something that isn’t that huge of a win....anyways.....

To be fair, that rule is only for women, so...

Shout out to everyone who sees through my sinister Jez agenda. Whahahahahahahahaha WHO YOU GONNA CALL?!

It may look like shit, but it seems like you breezed past the rest of the article in your rush to come down here and complain about Jez. The crux is that the proportion of viewers to down voters is outrageously high. So high, that it’s unlikely that people simply font like the trailer. Plus, there’s people building

This movie KILLED his grandfather! How dare anyone defend it!!

Wow dude you seem really bitter in the comments on this post.

My ovaries just exploded. She is such a babe.

It’s more like “If Hillary were a man with those same qualifications, she’d be predicted to win by a landslide.” The “woman card” has only gotten her sexist bullshit over the years and made it that much more difficult to achieve what she’s achieved. The only advantage the “woman card” gets any of us is the occasional

But you know as well as I do that when people disregard “race, sex, or any other consideration” they hire white men. That’s what that language means. That’s what you’ve absorbed, whether you want to admit it or not. That’s how you fully justify all white male cabinets, boards, workplaces. That’s how you justify sexism

That is a bullshit thinly veiled excuse for sexism.

Jezebel is a contrarian website first so they’ll continue to hate on her till she finally puts Bernie out of our collective misery. Then they’ll dump on her for not doing an all women ticket and then they’ll complain about what cabinet positions she gives the women it’s an endless cycle.

Come on Jez! We can do this! Hillary would make half her cabinet women....and she’s a feminist....and this is a feminist website...so this is a GOOD THING! Yay! Go Hillary!

Hilldog, that’s what I like to hear

This man is truly, utterly vile. His screeds are the production of a mind so enraptured by his own superiority that he fundamentally cannot believe that there are people who would disagree with him. The slideshow contains such gems as exhorting recruiters to hire the “holy grail” of a male engineer with Aspergers,

What? There were over 12,000 people arrested at the May Day protests in DC in 1971.

You really think so? I believe 100 isn’t even a record in Louisville, much less Chicago, New York, LA Detroit....