Just Saying...

So, when the investigation was closed, the Right was upset because Comey said Clinton acted carelessly, but was not legally negligent, with regards to the handling of her emails. Comey was vilified for giving Clinton a pass to protect her chances to obtain the Presidency.

What’s with the Bill Simmons bashing? Doesn’t he basically do EXACTLY what Deadspin, as a whole, does? I’m not seeing too many examples of journalistic perfection cropping up on Deadspin. Which is fine. After all, not all writing needs to be poignant, righteous, focused, unbiased, educational, or inspiring. It’s okay

We should all be able to agree that Anthony Weiner is a disgusting, shallow person. However, let’s not get caught up in his shittiness to the point where we deflect scrutiny away from the person who is under Federal investigation.