Just Saying

It is deeply wrong to risk the others by not vaccinating your children. Other people, and other people’s children, should not suffer.

He passed on a double yellow line. Perhaps he should receive a ticket.

The comparison to Rove makes me think in great sympathy to Smeagol, who accidentally fell upon the ring and ought its destructive power.

I hope everyone in the convention wears lavender.

I cannot tell you how much I SO STRONGLY loathe DWS. She was hand-picked by Rahm, who as we all know basically destroyed Dean’s infrastructure. That hideous pair has done incredible damage to the party — leaving huge swatches of the country as a single party state — and preen in their odious “wisdom”. Ugh.

OK, I looked at your link. I read the article. I hope you are not too blinded by hate to read this.

My true intentions? Can you tell me what you think they are? I find your level of focused hatred so beyond my understanding. Please explain my true intensions as seen through your lens because, while I do not want to live in your world of hate, I would like to understand it.

Why did you have to bring your hatred of Israelis into a thread about bad Russian engineering? Israel has nothing to do with this story, but you bring it up with genuine bile.

war favours standardisation and uniformity. The more similar the people in a unit are the faster and more efficiently they will communicate,

An in-depth, many-years-long study of various units in real combat and on base at home while training would be far superior

Your response is as incoherent as your original logic. Given that to you an Israeli is some weird cartoon of a human, I have no idea at all what you think. I do not have any weird hatred or any advocacy of genocide to draw on, internally.

How does bad Russian engineering mean that I support Greater Israel? Is there any other group of people who you feel should be exterminated? Do black lives also not matter? Do you feel that we should all get together and object that survivors of the European colonialization have TOO MUCH DAMN LAND?

Dude, this had nothing to do with Israel. Nothing.

You use the language of extermination and then you trivialize objections. Youa re hating on a group of people who have been subject to genocide, and is actively under seige in Europe. And there is NO CONNECTION between bad engineering and hatred of Jewish people, except the one you create with your own thin line of

In a story about Iran, Syria, and Russia the bigots and haters flaming about Israel were a surprise.

Is this 1820 or 1930 in this comment thread? Are you concerned at the sad decrease in pogroms? wtf?

You are a shameful bigot.

Because what Israel wants is a failed state on its border, because ????

Also, as a bonus, American policies pretty much created ISIS.

There is some seriouslyc razy anti-semetic hate in these comments. Are there no troll ratings here?