Donate to a dem who can win. There are many close races and good people. ActBlue will help you find someone. You can make calls, send change, make a difference.
Donate to a dem who can win. There are many close races and good people. ActBlue will help you find someone. You can make calls, send change, make a difference.
Why am I still in the greys? Give me break here.
Give them some shit that can add up or be cheap. Make sure it is distinct and can be pinned on them if it is crapped, or easily identified in a more public way if it is awesome. Nothing critical. Suggestions: decor for reception or select some appetizers (you can add to) or printing the little menu/handout/what the…
Oh god not the bar. Or at least have a real human check it. FoMC Father/FIL “paid” for our bar. Thank god someone checked. We would have had soda and boxes of wine......
But remember that the Nadarites told us that they are all the same.
And how did that vote for Nadar work for the climate, the Iraqis, the economy, and now ISIS?
Better than any alternative? Hello?
Hillary is credited, widely, with SCHIP, which has given millions of children healthcare.
Hillary is credited, widely, with SCHIP, which has given millions of children healthcare.
Drink vodka until you can watch yourself in the mirror and admire your boogers. Then breath entirely through your mouth until your brain goes numb. You have had the JB experience.
Indeed and, frankly, duh. It is not some political statement. It is needing to use the toilet.
Damn. You mean I was NOT supposed to be singing, “penis, penis, penis” in IKEA last week? No wonder the funny looks. I should have learned that before turning 40, eh?
if they need to use the restroom or get a drink or whatever. I inevitably get a text along the line of “nasty, get rid of that shit in the bathroom” to which I respond with “fuck you, it’s my place”.
There is no confusing running into an adults’s shower, where you can run out, and being grabbed by an adult. I call bullshit on that concern.
I almost gave you a star until you got to “get out more”.
I never knew wtf was happening until I read about. My experience was meeting a relatively nice nerd and chatting. Then he would insult me. Then I would say, “Fuck off and die”. And I was very confused about having this experience — multiple times usually at technical conferences — until I learned that they were…
Which also shows that most men want to be shot when a adventure movie or war memior is popular. Because.... I give up... because that was sad bullshit.
The existence of the moon must confuse the fuck out of him if thinks meteors cannot hit without a person watching them. Or maybe a dinosaur watching them counts. I am very confused. He is clearly extremely high and also psychotic.
Keeping a cat is an issue.
You are arguing with someone who used the phrase “your dog or child, leave it the fuck at home with you.” to encourage that person to be a reasonable nice person. Such an argument is absolutely a teaching a pig to sing kind of effort. While I honor your efforts to suggest people should be decent and share public…