
Propylene Glycol is one of the main ingredients in vaping juice (The other being Vegetable Glycerin), and has been used in Asthma inhalers since the 1950's. It is also pumped into Hospital air in some places because it has a prophylactic effect.

I can totally see a mint flavored juice with no nicotine, helping to keep

Tetris and Candy Crush both give me dreams of shape and color sorting, and even walking around awake, I start seeing patterns and figuring out where to make connections or slot shapes in.

More odd to me were when I played MUDs (text based, online, computer rpgs...like D&D in black and white words). I would have entire

Superman being a blank slate, raised by a father that wouldn’t let him be who he was meant to be, and the way he reacts (or doesn’t) to people... would have been a GREAT lead in to the actual Batman vs Superman storyline the movie was based on. Superman, not knowing how to use his power, becomes the Presidents

If we do that for all statistics we’d be much higher in world health rankings.

I assumed the rules were changed so you can’t buy anything, only rent, and you only win by being the last one to make it past Go and collect a measly paycheck that only barely gets you around the board.

They now make micro-usb cables that fit both ways... too late to the game to be much help. But I just bought one for an older device and was amazed.

This was the biggest WTF for me as well. I just saw Solo finally after boycotting it at the Box Office BECAUSE of poor decisions made on Last Jedi.

Solo is an Excellent movie and even manages to deal with “slavery” and feminism (droidism?) IN CONTEXT without shoving it down your throat as SJW Propaganda. I enjoyed it

I do not see it in the top comments, so forgive me for not reading every single one.   When it comes to “abridged” series,  ‘Sword Art Online: Abridged’ is almost a completely new story and character personalities using most of the same animation from the show.  It is SO good it makes the original look worse!  It’s

Even the still shot is HORRIBLE.   How did this make it past anyone?

As a minor author with millions of words under my belt... this isn’t just about the story you are telling to the audience, it is as much about the story you want to write.

It can be very hard to write the boring parts of someones life, and it shows in the characterization and story around them. Don’t just write what

Just PC for now, no “plans” to move to consoles but also haven’t said they won’t. They want to concentrate on this core game until its primetime before tackling something like that. I wouldn’t expect Dauntless on console for a few years.

You can play 95% of the game with an Xbox controller though, and they are working

Thundercats: Go Universe

Probably get buried but still... The study used less airflow than a normal person would breathe over a longer period of time; resulting in much higher temps for much longer on the coil than any vaper would do more than once on purpose.

They also don’t state what the total levels of lead found were compared to what is

I’m trying, but part of me still thinks JJ will come back and go”What? no no, he left it vague on purpose.”

Part of me is hoping I’m being trolled, but really I’d be fine with it as is. More so than the whole Rose/Finn adventure and shipping.

The planets Starkiller blew up in TFA contained basically the entire Galactic Senate. There really is no Republic any longer, just loosely affiliated groups of planets.

hmmm... no, its pretty widely agreed that the novels went seriously off the rails with the Vong invasion. The Anakin Solo death scene would be more like it. Or Chewie staying on Starkiller and killing every soldier he could find while screaming out in mourning for his lost friend. Throwing Rey onto the Falcon as the

Ben saying, “Your parents were nobody, you’re nobody, you aren’t a part of all this.” Was the only part of the film I couldn’t gloss over and enjoy. It felt like a direct message to Rey Truthers who were Legends/EU fans and want her to represent Jaina Solo. It was directly saying, “STOP TRYING TO MAKE REY A SKYWALKER!”

Piercings for the win


You came so close to Yuuzhan Vong that I cringed and growled at the same time.