
i did a dumb and got hurt and it's everyone's fault but mine!

Human creates common sense and logic.

yeah.  I have an upcoming trip, we booked our tickets months ago.  Unless you are offering me better seats, im not moving.  Fuck that woman for not booking her tickets in advance.  I spent the time to make sure i got a good price on a flight of my choosing and had my choice of seats where i wanted.  Someone who didnt

The revolution will not be livestreamed!

I never face time/ skype/ whatever the fuck/ ever because I can’t stand the other person’s connection being shitty, my connection being shitty, the other person asking if it’s working, me asking if it’s working, the other person asking me “what?”, and me asking them, “what?” etc. I’m with the thumbs up guy.

If I came home and found my ex-gfs sitting around drinking MY tea and my wife and daughter are missing, I’d probably first ask them what gives them the right to just take MY TEA.  You couldn’t ask first?  You knew that was the tea that I bought for myself for when I get stressed out, but you just went ahead and took

OP, you just got “grouched” and “splained”!! I hope you learned your lesson. I’m not sure quite what that lesson should be, but it should obviously include other people creating stories out of thin air to explain your decisions. They don’t need any more info, they just need their “experience”. 

Nah, under 18 is ‘my dad bought me...’ territory. First car, graduation present, etc. 19 is ‘got my first real job making over 30k/yr but don’t yet understand how expensive life is, so sure I’ll buy a new $30k+ car’

Just got to your first duty station, I see.

something something something cucks something something something quit being pussies something something something PC liberal SJWs something something something it was locker room talk”

My gay ass reading this article;

I want to fly a Super Connie

I say they should go all-in (for style) and bring back to BOAC Comet.

Connies? Electras?

I prefer OzzyMan

I don’t think any automaker will ever be able to displace the Wrangler, no matter what they try to offer, nothing else really offers the definition of “cool american ruggedness”. The Blazer is yet another SUV in a sea of me-too crossovers, nothing special about it.

Having grown up in the Type III we had from ’69 to ’76, I will note that they got the seat-belt use exactly correct but omitted the small child in the way-back working on her coloring book. 

I run the warehouse for a small brewery in Victoria, BC and what you want is an Chevy Astro Van. The thing about delivering kegs is that you run out of weight before you run out of space and as a growing business you’re always going to need to move a little more. An Astro can fit 12 keg comfortable with room for more

Alternate Headline: “Drivers With Incredibly Poor Skills Unable to Hit Dumbass on Scooter”.