
Freedom 1, Terrorists 0

What’s most impressive here is that of all mustangs, it was the Foxbody, which has the structural rigidity of David Tracy’s willpower not to buy a half rusted jeep.

Where can we get signed copies?

The Challenger / Charger remains on it’s Greatest Hits tour, since, like, forever. In fact, it’s playing 3 nights at Pine Knob in July. Tickets now on sale.

I’ve owned three TDIs (1.9 and 2.0 - all great cars) and would like to experience some V8 diesel awesomeness. Until it’s out of warranty and something expensive goes clunk..

Ride the Lightning is the best Metallica album.....fight me.

Now playing

such a fantastic album, start to finish!

Yeah my reaction was pretty much pacmandeathnoise.wav.

Pepperidge Farms remembers tocus RS was a really good example the stupidity of sellers and buyers. The idiots paid the 5-10k markups, then prices quickly collapsed to below MSRP, then to below invoice due to the headgasket problems.

E. Lon Hubbard

It’s just going to get trailered to the sand pit and charged off a 3Kw Honda generator.

Cool. Before there was only a picture of a car they will never make, now there's an actual physical version... Of the car they will Never make

I hope they fixed the stutter. You could barely understand what it was trying to say.

VW Electric Concept #839. I like it. I liked most of the others, too. Build one already.

a glorious, hard-won victory

My grandpa lives on the lake just south of there. Once it freezes over you can drive pretty much anything on there. When we were kids my uncle used to drive his F-350 out on the ice and tow a toboggan behind it with anyone ballsy enough to take a death ride in tow. It’s amazing we all lived through that 

+1 Teslahalla

Champ put that rock there. Some lake monsters just want to watch the mortal world burn.