
How much you wanna bet that Trump has more NA ancestry than Liz?”

Liberty University has a whole assembly line of these kind.  The kid took 2 semesters of public policy and that public speaking elective so he’s ready for prime time. 

Glad I don’t live om VT.

If they’d adopted the Logan’s Run plan that Brexit vote never would have passed

There’s also a Saturn museum in Bowling Green?

Nice try, but I know this is fiction. Republicans in 2019 only talk to other Republicans. Now, if instead of conversation you’d said “condescending Twitter exchange that either ends abruptly or goes on way too long” I would never think to question you

And Sy Sperling. 

Surely it was the mad despot, Jimmy Carter, who lamented his failure to build a 50 foot high wall to keep out all those (his words) “Damn peanut stealers”.

Ugh and now I feel bad for TSA agents. This administration is the worst. 

I used to do drugs. I still do, I just used to too

At this point I think all money in Italy is officially “pension money”.

Now playing

This is way more Heat than that F&F garbage.


In Europe, it’s a Battle Royale with cheese.

after the woman generously decided to give her attacker a lifetime supply of Filet-o’-Fist sandwiches.

I'm beginning to think every Jalopnik writer's mother was frightened by a loan officer while they were pregnant. 


We need deeper statistics, like:

- Number of sellers who knew that they had.
- Percentage of ACs just needing a charge.
- Number of ads in all caps.
- Most popular way to obscure a license plate - finger vs. photoshop.
- Number of ads with fast food wrappers in pics.

Etc., etc.

Let’s just send them to a barren rock and set off the Genesis device

Could we incentivize Australia to get back into the penal colony game?