
...I was a year old. But I was living in Detroit, which made me much harder than most one-year-olds.

I’m sorry Steve. I have a Datsun 710 and a classic Mini Cooper if you are interested in either. I’m in San Jose as well. 


So the light at the end of a tunnel is a bus and not a train?

Because it’s so fucking stupid you could write four articles about it.

Or do it like me and literally take time off work to daydream about owning a Porsche 986. Honestly, that’s what I do every year instead of going on vacation. My boss even remarked the other day that I could easily afford one with all that money I save, by just staying at home. “But if I had one of these, there would

Two Mondays ago, the Giants’ License Plate Guy was fed up:

A dead body screams “for cause” to me.

So what? Drill and tap a hole for a set screw.

That was the 1990s, and like Q-Tip told us, “VH-1 has a show that you can waste your time with.”

Word of the day: fisticuffs.

*Rick Court sees you putting head through wall, immediately tries to recruit you*

Bridge 1/2 furlong ahead, 6 cubits in height, if you are carrying more than 3 hogsheads of mead you shall not pass.

Registering the domain name 3.56m.com. Be right back.

One of my favorite bands of all time!

Not to put too fine a point on it, but David Tracy is a shitty mechanic.

Goddammit this just makes me mad.  Clean that shit up you lazy teenager!

This comment isn’t about your article, but the event happened while reading your article.