Negative equity rollover
Well, to be fair the people who buy shit like the Blue Lives Matter Punisher logo don’t understand it either. They just think it looks “tough”. It’s basically the barbed wire arm tattoo of 2018
At least he was able to fulfill his childhood dream of being a conductor on a train.
“Tom knows Bill is the best coach in the league, but he’s had enough of him. If Tom could, I think he would divorce him.”
This looks like it will do just fine for regular Taxi duty in the UK. You guys over there have much cooler looking Taxis on your side of the pond.
Ah, not to be a wet blanket...Okay, I’m being a wet blanket.
My experience with ECS has been limited to the purchase of an oil change kit that included brand name oil and an OEM (Mann) filter, but also an ECS branded drain plug that I decided to use because it had a magnet attached to it.
Fact #1: Assault Rifle - You’re abusing this word and it’s irresponsible journalism. Did the rifle have 3 round burst capability or full auto? No? Then it’s a SPORTING RIFLE. It is designed for civilian use, not military. It might LOOK miliscary, but it’s not. He didn’t raid a military truck and steal an M-16. And,…
LoL. First thought I had was “Vladimir, you lost another nuclear missile?”
It’s 1966 and they’re at the beach. Everybody is tripping balls. Even Scooby Doo just saw God over to the right of everybody. They’ll have a sexy time and get caught up in some Manson party as the acid goes bad soon enough.
I hope you have a big trunk, ‘cause I’m putting my surfboard in it!
That (and this whole idea) is surprisingly on-brand for an aging punk/hardcore type.
or end up in a hole putting lotion on your skin
“I don’t need the nanny state telling ME not to do something stupid!”- Formerly employed truck driver.
I’m guessing it’s a deficient design or the safety interlock was broken or bypassed.
Amarock and Jalad at Tanagra
Yup, I’m sure if the city wanted, they could pay some nominal scrap value to the recycling center (assuming this is a private center anyway, if public, just get them out for free) to get all of the bikes out of hock.. Instead, this is just a way to say, “I’m so outraged! Look at how outraged I am, I even tweeted my com…