
Actually, the most depressing part about the book where I found that quote (Deadly Funny: Humor in Hitler’s Germany), is that the author concludes that, in the end, political humor isn’t really as transgressive as we want to believe it is. He was interviewed in “Vanity Fair” back in 2011:

I just want to know where you got urine formation. Was it a leak?

i think you’re looking for The Truth About Cars or Consumer Reports.

They should do a skit on SNL about his reaction to a skit. Go full meta.

OH GOD THIS IS HAPPENING -> Get a grip, you need to face reality -> WAIT, I’M NORMALIZING THIS -> Oh god this is really happening...

And we’re all going to need to be as high as little David leaving that dentist.

I was so happy when Obama was President because I didn’t have to be embarrassed by my country’s leader like I was with W.

But nobody - not the intelligence community, not the media, not the democratic party - has made any claims about the extent to which the Russian hacking helped Trump. He may very well have won without it. Hell, considering Clinton got 3 million more votes, one could just as easily argue the hacking had no impact at

He very may well get us killed, and he’s absolutely an idiot, but he’s not “illegitimate” and in America, we don’t “boot out” our leaders.

Set up an email server in his basement?

Not sawing at the wheel like a madman. Smooth inputs of throttle and wheel, less spastic operation of both things while being sideways. In a word: Control.

I watched that video at least 10 times today. Extremely envious of the guy. I would love to have a 911R in the snowy Dolomites.

What’s the point in having sex if you’re not trying to make a baby? Same thing. It’s just fun and if you’re into it, feels pretty damn good.

He was doing 20 mph, maybe. Car control is when he does the beautiful controlled slides with minimal steering wheel input.

Not really...snow makes things like that quite easy. I’ve done similar in a 80hp Ford Ranger, F250, F150, Turbo 2.3 Mustang, and a turbo V8 Mustang. All it takes is RWD, snow, and and understanding of car control.

Doing the same on dry pavement...that’s the real challenge.

I have an insane theory. Plastering the Trump name all over everything is his business plan, a plan for a business he promised to de-tangle himself from for the duration of his Presidency. Did he or one of his aides decide against plastering his name all over the Beast because it could be conceived as advertising for

Fuck you. You never key a car. Ever.

Trump does something that isn’t selfish or tacky, and everyone reams him for it.

He’s also having 3 inaugural balls (instead of 10), a much shorter parade than usual, and cutting back on a wide variety of tax-payer funded presidential luxuries.