
That lead image, that’s what I see when I look at modern cars. They all look the same. Give us an outline of any modern car and I bet very few will be able to identify which it is. I know old guys have been saying this for decades already, but all cars look the same these days.

...the 2019 will be a good little truck, but it will not be the cheap and tiny pickup you remember from ten years ago.

Why can you tell it’s a cheap car just from that front picture? Is it the gap Hood/headlight? BMW has it. Is it the fake opening grilles? McLaren has them. Maybe this one has a tad bit too much of darkness?

When I was younger, (sub 10) , if you asked me to draw a Car I would probably give you a crayon scribbling of an 80's caprice or a Chrysler K or something similarly proportioned. Square front,square roof square trunk. What does a kids drawing of a car today look like? I’m sure this would give insight to what the

The Chevy Cruze is the most average car apparently.

amazing. very impressed. a profile view may be a little messy in comparison, but would be interesting to see.

How perfect. That mean average outline looks exactly like a Chevrolet SS.

“I used two methods to generate the image, both harnessing the raw computing power of the Jalopnik Mainframe, a massive array of 200 Commodore PETs with their 1MHz 6502 processors running in parallel, all housed in a kiddie pool in Barry White’s basement.”

This is an average car. This is an average car on drugs.

This makes me extremely uncomfortable. A few months ago we were talking about how dangerous it was for Trump to be questioning the legitimacy of our democratic process, and how it undermined our entire system of peaceful power transition.

Trump is not a legitimate President. He’s a highly trained KGB assassin. Impeach while you still can. Stand with Rosie.

So you’re saying their Rock baby might turn out like this if pampered too much?

But it’s not like they can ensure the child will have abilities that actually matter, like being able to arrive at a bus stop exactly 30 seconds before the bus turns up.

The human body is flawed. You can design it all you want but its also how the kid lives their life. You could get a designer baby Tom Brady but if the thing just wants potato chips and play videogames then you’ve failed.

This was a cautionary tale if I remember correctly:

Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they’re so frightfully clever. I’m awfully glad I’m a Beta, because I don’t work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don’t want to play with

where have I seen this before?

I for one welcome our new Super-Baby Overlords!