
“Well, I’ve been to Paris many times and never encountered any smog.”
He means Paris, France. Not Paris, TX.

As nice as that car is, the Mazda 6 wagon will probably never happen because the CX-9 already exists. Americans don’t dislike wagons, we just like them jacked up a few inches.

13 years ago, Mazda used to hose a roaming event like that, called Rev It Up.

That looks like a mazda crashed into a panamera lol

Well, I’ve been to Paris many times and never encountered any smog. The other places I can’t comment on.

1st gear: Maybe Mazda needs to have a roadshow like other manufacturers do where they go around the country with their cars and some competitors and let people drive them back to back on a course to see how good they are. I’ve attended many of these from various manufacturers and really enjoyed them. It’s enabled me

This is true. My local Mazda dealership sells Lincolns, Mazdas and Volvos. What a weird juxtaposition. Zoom-zoom vs. Snore-snore. Worse than that, they seem to want to sell ONLY Lincolns and CX-5s. Apparently the Volvos sell themselves and they can’t be bothered with the low-margins 3s.

The vehicles I’ve driven with more than six, the transmissions seem sluggish and indecisive. They’re constantly searching for the right gear.

This is the solution to Mazda’s woes:
bring that 4WD diesel wagon with a manual in BROWN in North America.

Does anyone know how bad a “bad day for smog” is in Paris compared to NYC or LA?

2nd Gear: 9 speeds is too many on an automatic, at least in anything I’ve driven with that many. Six seems to be about the realistic maximum with today’s technology.

Ahhh VWVortex where every memebers car is worth Big Money, but no member pays more than low blue book for anything.

Their problem is fuel consumption. They are efficient when they are big, pushing large aluminum tubes through the air at high speeds full of people or cargo. They just burn too much fuel in a scaled down application like this.

Rosen Motors tried to do a turbine-electric hybrid. They had problems largely around how to store the energy. They decided to go with a flywheel, which is a good compromise, but capacitor technology (and batteries) are better, now. It might work, at some point. The problems of heat and pollution still need to be

I thought of these when Hybrids first came out. Think a turbine engine would work better on a hybrid? You could eliminate alot of the up and down shifting with electric trickery. Since that was a big problem with them I’d love to see an attempt. Turbines don’t handle the constant variation in speed that cars do but

I shift with two fingers (three when going to fifth). I swear most people want to see if they can bend the shifter when they find fourth.

At the risk of sounding like an uptight, obsessive compulsive douche I’m going to say that I really don’t like anyone else driving my cars. I have one, really, really good friend who also happens to be an excellent driver and just as OCD as I am, that I trust. But that’s it. Too many well intentioned “car enthusiasts”

just remember, insurance follows the car, not the driver. not that i figured that one out the hard way or anything.

This wouldn’t be Jalopnik without whiny millenials like Ballaban complaining about every good thing to come their way.

Why do I get the feeling that every time I read a GT article on Jalopnik now, I’m reading wannabe movie critics try to talk above their paygrade? To me, TG was never about grandiose missions or purpose or whatever. To me, TG was always about life with cars. Sometimes it was beauty. Sometimes it was, yes, purpose, but