
Now take away the techno soundtrack, the pretentious narration, and the quick-edit camera work, and what’s left?

“Aerodynamics are for people who can’t build engines.” - Enzo Ferrari

Maybe he could collaborate with the Lanesplitter posters on their interpretation of the car

He’s reinvented.... the REMOTE CONTROL!

Shit. I thought the answer was always “Miata.” Damn...

-1 ⭐️

7. You’re out with a friend when a yellow 1973 Volkswagen Beetle with black hood stripes stops at a traffic light in front of you. Do you:

I have experience with that exact scenario. One new Clutch later....

Shout out to the Teapot Dome Scandal!! Keeping Wyoming relevant for almost 100 years now.

I got a 31.5. I guess I am about as tolerant as FWD Patriot in the snow with fresh all season (not winter) tires.

That’s The Big Apple.

Maybe Idle Motor City?

>New York (nicknamed the “Motor City,”

Im actually surprised how well its doing with the NP votes (currently at 22%)... guessing people just think it looks funny and vote yes with no intention of ever plucking down even pocket change for the thing.

It is a British car... so not working pieces are working as they should...

Still has Mini computer? The computer is probably going, “Hey where’s my engine, Bro?” but reporting the bags as fine.

What they thought it would turn out like...

I would love a car made by Sbarro. It would be delicious.

I think there was a 95% CP for a riced out PT Cruiser for 10 grand a long while back

But honestly, once you take a ‘salvage car’ and attach it to a mutant chassis, what are you expecting? 5 star crash test rating? If anything, this is a jovial use of a salvage car rather than the ‘everything is fine’ bait and switch. It least it LOOKS dangerous and people will treat it as such.