
i8 needs a 6cyl. they could have kept it just as tech and eco friendly. Sure there would be a bigger difference in MPGe, but the i8 was meant to be a fuel efficient sports car. Not a sporty fuel efficient car.


Both of these cars are tech driven not driver driven. I sure hope these are NOT the examples of where car culture is going, heavy complex hybrids with fake noise and fast acceleration. The first gen NSX already is a classic and this second gen will be forgotten. Please please Honda don’t screw up a successor to the

no, not really that grave. VW isn’t wholesale laying them off. It’s retirements and normal attrition mostly, plus letting some part timers go.

1st Gear: Break The Law, And It’s Never The Ones Responsible Who Get Hurt
I hope the employees laid off get the first callbacks, but I doubt they will. :/

4th Gear: Mercedes CEO Says Humans Will Take Advantage Of Autonomous Cars
Yes, yes they will. No, you should not configure them to be more aggressive.

5th Gear: The

The autonomous car will not road rage or pull a handgun on you. That has got to be an improvement.

Bullying an autonomous car might be a bad idea. Since they’re not driving, the passenger has 100% of their cognitive ability available to load, aim, and fire small arms.

I’m still surprised they haven’t rebadged every VW in North America as one of their other, not yet publicly tainted, brands yet.

With the new head of the EPA being a climate change denier, you know VW has to be sitting there like “if only they discovered our cheating a few years later”

Can it be lowered and run 15" Watanabes?

Driving the 4 cyl is like going to a strip club expecting great sex. It just ain’t gonna happen.

Must’ve spilled the water so many times.

ford transit was designed so an 8x4 sheet of ply or sheet rock can lay flat in the back. which MEANS that despite drifting all the way to the delivery, the ply will be flat the whole time and arrive unbroken!

I really want one of these when we step up to a van in the near future. However my wife is completely lukewarm to a van in general so when I showed her the Transit, her immediate thought was: “Thats a catering van”. Yes, to cater our children around! I want on of the newer styes than pictured but I am afraid there is

How can you be tactical without pockets....!!!!

Someone who loves the feel of bodyroll.

This is the fourth comment about men in yoga pants that I have read today. If there some kind of fad going around that I am thankfully missing?

honestly, why the F*@k would you spend that kind of money on something like this to “track it”? I can think of a thousand other vehicles better suited for taking to the track.
It’s like men wearing yoga pants. Just because it *can* be done, doesn’t mean it *should* be done.

My fear for you is that she would take over your wedding. Not necessarily with her presence, but your fears of what will happen and how to get around her difficult personality.