
When I’m not plowing my mustang into crowds of bystanders, I’m shifting the gears in it manually.

Shit I’m sorry. I’m exceptionally drunk tonite and after reading your post a fifth time realized I’d missed something critical: the black students expressed a shared fear and you recognized and respected it, then pointed out additional information pertinent to the situation.  

I don’t personally think so, because you were there in a professional setting, and I don’t know your motivations for taking that job.

Expect to be called a racist no matter what you do.

I fear that this election will only further the cultural divide between rural and urban America. Those of us that live in cities will now blame the rural white vote for ushering in an utter embarrassment as President.

Completely agree, and the inability to accept reality and propose solutions that are feasible happens on both sides to varying degrees. Trump went further with his policy fantasies than I’ve seen out of a major party candidate in my lifetime.

I thought “she’s got this.”

Hey Stassa: you meant cojones. Cajones means drawers or crates. Sorry if others already pointed this out but I didn’t see it in the replies.

And yet Trump’s positioning as a teller of hard truths was—and is—identity politics

We still don’t have a good breakdown of how many of the “other” votes (Stein, Johnson, write-ins, etc) would have gone to Trump vs Clinton. As easy as it is to point to those voters as a main cause of Hillary’s defeat, until we know how many were nevertrumpers vs berniebros it’s hard to say how accurate that

At the time the declaration was written, the term men stood for everybody

This fix is simple and doesn’t affect performance? All the cheating was a big waste of time and energy then. And money. So very much money

So there is money for wrc again now right?


It is so funny when those cars are called “polluting” ... as if other cars didn’t pollute the environment.

Wealthy people didn’t get wealthy by not recognizing when someone owes them money.

I’m the 2nd owner, and have no plans to mod it except stainless steel brake lines :)

You know the new “illegal” motors pollute less than the old completely-still-legal 1.9l diesels, right? It’s just changing regulations.

I didn’t see you complaining about VW diesels from 1992 to 2005 when they made 10X more of them.

Also, it’s been over a year and a half since dieselgate first showed up and they’re

This sounds like a good opportunity for a “what should I buy” column.

Pontiac GTO, M3, 335i, some lexus apply here (IS-F), toyobaru...

Fancy speakers and fancy leather.