
Here’s hoping for a high redline and a power band near the top end. If we’re going to start talking about the history of the Si and Honda getting back into its old groove, then the last thing we need is prodigious torque between 2k and 5k rpm. It needs to be a screamer up to 8k rpm, and useless before 4k rpm lol

Is the boy racer spoiler optional? I don’t like it at all.

Still looks like cyber-poo, tho.

limited-slip differential

First ever new car was a 1999. Miss it, though it would be slow by today’s standards. Doesn’t change the fact that it was a blast to drive.

I miss my GSR.

But why does it look so not-so good? It seems like a car taken from an early 2000's low polygon count video game, but more awkward.

It’s one of my least favorite things about Jezebel.

i guess im too perfect to have seen it ;)

Do they? The Dems have paid lip service to labor unions for years while at the same time pushing for anti-labor agreements like TPP and NAFTA. You also conveniently forgot to leave out breaking up the banks and social justice. Those are just three areas the Dems can be more progressive and less centrist.

It’s a regular occurrence in the comments here and on other left-leaning blogs. Someone asks a genuine question, and suddenly gets labeled as a troll and/or has comments dismissed.

I like when people say “populism is the danger” since its one step away from “democracy is the danger.” Hard to persuade people to vote for you when you will openly admit you don’t trust them.


I feel like the problems with our elections is the same as the problems with feminism. You can’t jam your ideas down someone else’s throat. Have an opinion, be vocal about your opinion, but express yourself in a non-threatening way because you’ll alienate people who could otherwise be persuaded if you approached them

Democrats are obsessed with purity tests, Republicans know its about bodies pulling the right lever.

We definitely need to reassess how we respond to dissenting voices. There’s a huge difference between a person deliberately using slurs and/or dog whistles, and a person who means well but just hasn’t learned (yet). People who are already openly bigoted are lost causes, IMHO, and not worth the effort. But there are a

Yes. Also, consider the section of the exit poll (NYT link below) where they broke down the vote by “Family Financial Situation” For those whose family financial situation is “Better Today” Clinton won 72-24. For those who said it was “about the same” it was tied 46-46. For those who said it was “Worse Today”

The “Left” doesn’t need to go anywhere. It remains correct on the issues, but for a lot of reasons, many not her fault, but some were, Hillary was not the messenger for this election.

I like your kinja. You’ll do well here.

Here’s our plan, from what I can tell: