
My Dad once put a Porsche crest on the front of his Dad’s Craftsman riding mower. I think it meant “Smartass”...

Oh man, selling parts, I have to ask people alot. “F250? IS that a Super Duty?” because there was a few years when Ford was making regular f250s and SD F250s. 90% of the time the guy will say, “Uh, yeah, it’s a Super Duty.” And 50% of the time he’ll be wrong. So any time I have to ask, that scene from Mr. Mom

“Olive Garden is a fancy restaurant.” 

Badge Class 1: (in LA) My other car’s a Cessna Citation

Whatever. It is a shame that the truth has now become trolling and trolling has now become the truth.

Because being charged and being convicted are not the same. I mean, she’s absolutely a fascist with horrifyingly prejudiced views, but until she’s convicted she doesn’t lose the right to stand for election or hold political power.

That’s pretty much exactly wha ignorance is...

When historians write about this era, Putin will be viewed as the equal of a Napoleon, Julius Caesar, or Genghis Khan, as an absolute master tactician. Russia is playing chess while the West is playing checkers. We have just lost the second Cold War.

‘We’ll take your refugees’ - that’s a good one! Canada made a big show of taking 25000 Syrian refugees. Germany took 1 million refugees in 2015 and an estimated 300000 in 2016.

If I may, it is not the age of ignorance. That ended in 2001. We are now entering the “Age of The Echo Bubble,” wherein people only listen to those they agree with and all dissenting opinions are dismissed as uninformed.

A conservative in many European countries is still more left-leaning than most American Democrats in office.

Those weren’t liberals. When will you people stop trying to sheepdog the left? Leftists aren’t liberals and we don’t owe you obedience. Merkel and her austerity measures can fuck right off.

What is considered “conservative” in Germany is considered more to the left in America. For conservatives in Germany universal health care is a sound idea. Not so here.

Socially liberal, economically conservative.

Germany is pretty much the only country that doesn’t whitewash its history, and makes damn sure children are raised learning everything about its past mistakes so they won’t make them again. Virtually no other country does that.

I think the rise of internet use will be looked at like the rise of the printing press and how it caused religious tension. Internet and its propensity to make fake news catered to right wingers is doing its damage

Of people who voted.

So... We’re calling Angela Merkel a liberal now? Because that really feels weird to us europeans.

Merkel’s immigration policy will usher in a far right candidate.

well......at least not in a good way