
Samsung Wants In On Cars

Doesn’t China already have their own import tariffs? Something like 17%?

Sales of new Audis and M model BMW’s will plummet.

Sort of. You can give Chinese students an American business education and send them back to China where US companies can pay them half the wages to do the same job that American workers do. Blue collar out sourcing has been a problem, but many white collar jobs are starting to be outsourced as well.

I had no idea limiting the number of Chinese students studying in the states could severely impact the national economy. That’s intriguing.

1st Gear: US automakers aren’t ever going to actually export into China, so how is it going to hurt them?

“China can also limit the number of Chinese students studying in the US.”

He has a few good ideas, but his toxicity hides them well.

The one thing I have seen in his plans that would be very nice to see would be to figure out how to curb their currency manipulation. That would be far more efficient and with fewer side-effects than a mass tariff.

2nd Gear:

Why on Earth would you say such things? We have no idea what will be in the ACA fix, and so on and so on.

“Universal tablet holder”? Someone’s going to crash.

“If Trump is elected, will I be a slave?”

My kids knew about the election, but there was no outburst like that. Don’t live vicariously through your kid.

That school needs more than just a sensitivity assembly. It needs to suspend those white kids ASAP and actively ensure that any racist bullshit is smacked down hard.

And yet, people still seem to think that winning the popular vote actually means something.

It’ll be the shortest short-throw shifter ever...

This is just like when Beyonce surprised the world with an unannounced new album.

“eventually they’ll offer a Bolt RS that has a manual 1-speed transmission, with an I-pattern shifter.“

Sadly, that’s not how the President race works.