
Well they’ve been blaming Obama for things the previous Republicans put into motion since the day he was elected so turnabout is fair play.

Thanks Trump.

This is a good chart. It explains why Hillary lost...the Dems had a candidate that no one got enthusiastic about and relied on people being enthusiastically anti-Trump instead, and the plan failed. However, it is not why some people think things in the world are far worse than they actually are, which was the

starred for “micro-fish” as I remember those very very well. And I remember the bumpy transition to EPCs. You’re right, some people don’t do change well (I also remember mechanics who found disc brakes to be the devil’s handiwork)

1st Gear: Workers Take The Hit As Small Car Sales Tank

Neutral: Why Don’t Blue Collar Workers Feel The Recovery?

Blue Collar Union Workers used to be basically guaranteed votes for the Democratic party. After enough time of watching “the jobs” go away and “the recovery” never seem to happen, they get sick of it and look for something else. That something else is unfortunately the above mentioned “news” networks.

My biggest beef has always been the jobs that “make” you join the union. I don’t believe you should have to do anything to take a position somewhere that has nothing to do with your actual job. If you chose to join, that’s your MO. If you chose to not pay your dues, you lose your union benefits. If you chose to pay,

Forgot to add part time to that. Everyone I know who works in retail isn’t getting 40 hours a week, they’re usually getting between 16-25.

Neutral: Rust belt liver here. On paper we’ve “recovered” but no one feels it. Even people with graduate degrees are in the 30k range for many jobs, and those without degrees are making half what they did years ago. It may be true on paper that we’ve recovered, but no one feels like it. Even today look at “1st gear”-

Neutral: Why Don’t Blue Collar Workers Feel The Recovery?

Whereas it seems to be that Clinton supporters are totally unwilling to accept she was a weak candidate. People didn’t like her because they’re misogynists!

Trump doesn’t have a problem with gay people. In the past, he’s even been vocally supportive of gay rights.

I was debating whether WJC would try to bone any of the currently living FLOTUSes. Then I remembered his wife might be at the same meeting. Still would try if he’s not off auctioning stays in the Lincoln bedroom.

Sorry, Obamacare does not cover sick burns.

Now as then, the funniest part of this add is the notion that an FCA product would make it past their warranty period, let along through an apocalypse.

And the next reply prove you spot on...

Exactly. Incredibly stupid design flaw. And, yes, the plant was an old Westinghouse design that was commissioned in the early ‘70s.

It’s the mirror image of the love for kei cars or brown manual wagons in the US: they’re unusual, and therefore interesting.

Another reminder that Germans do have a sense of humor. I weird one but a sense of humor nontheless.