
It is currently geographically dependent... water cooling is key

Well good luck trying to convince Americans to embrace nuclear power. Currently we’re a country that is afraid of using nuclear due to accidents decades ago but are totes willing to use fossil fuels to make electricity, even though fossil fuels have killed thousands in accidents across the country and the death toll

What they’re missing is that internal combustion engines are pathetically inefficient. The most efficient ones achieve around 35% thermal efficiency. By comparison, that’s about the same as the average coal plant, and less than the most modern ones, which can top 40%. A combined cycle natural gas plant can top 60%. If

How is nuclear power unclean? It’s the cleanest mass-deployed source of power in the world.

When I can run it on my own shit, because as a Tesla owner it doesn’t stink.

Agreed on all fronts and especially the idea that nuclear energy should be considered clean so long as the waste is stored safely and the plants are properly maintained and secure.

The electricity has to come from somewhere, and it’s often less-then-clean sources, like coal or nuclear.

It’s also economy of scale. Producing the electricity for 10,000 cars at one plant is more efficient than producing power on 10,000 individual cars.

Woah woah woah stop the clock. Nuclear energy is clean energy. Sure there is nuclear waste, but don’t lump it in with coal, oil, and natural gas. Nuclear energy has zero emissions and does not add to our carbon footprint.

Arguably new-er cars really don’t have much of a break in period as well...allegedly

Neutral: At What Point Will EVs Be Truly ‘Clean’?

To make the uniformed buyer, who thinks they are saving the polar bears, feel warm and fuzzy at night.

You’re a racist. Everything is racist.

Being from Nashville and a fan of metal, I was really hoping for Mastodon to show up and play.

Just because there aren’t a lot of black people in country doesn’t mean it’s because country music doesn’t want black people. Ever think it’s because the majority of black people don’t want country music?

As a hard rock/metal fan, I feel discriminated against.

On the flight side, how many white hip hop/r&b artists get invited to the BET music awards?

Raph, I like you man. I think most of your articles are funny and well written, but for fucks sake dial back your bigotry a bit. If Stef can do it with NASCAR articles, you can do it here.

Utah Jazz is the worst Jazz.

It’s sad that you actually get paid to shit out “articles” like this.