
Did you not read “pretend”? A DX has the same shell as an Si. It doesn’t matter that the DX wasn’t performance oriented, because it mostly looks similar to an Si.

Spotted two weeks ago. Even factory wheels

Civics had performance variants; therefore, people without the cash for the Si would buy a DX and pretend.

You’re intro image is almost perfect, it’s just missing one thing.

Why limit it to Performance oriented? Have you seen 90's Honda Civics?

WRX - they all seem to have turbo back exhausts with engine that are about to grenade.

240sx is making a run at the platform

On the domestic side, gotta nominate the Neon SRT-4. At one point a few years ago, I thought an SRT-4 could be cheap thrills and started looking for one. Then I realized they were all horribly modified and beat on. All of them.

It’s hard enough just to find a picture of a stock one, let alone find out out in the wild.

Amphib Baja Bug...? Do tell.

Well, this article mentions the pardon of Marc Rich. You also have their involvement in Haiti, the email scandal (which isn’t the most important issue of the election, but isn’t nothing either), using some of the same tax avoidance schemes that she criticized Trump for, and NY attorney general Eric Schneiderman’s

True story that I’ve told here before: shortly before I started 3rd grade, I rolled out of my bunk bed one night and cut my head open. My parents took me to the ER, and the doctors started asking me various questions to determine my mental state. One of them was “Who’s in charge at the White House?” I deadpanned

Hell, the very first tweet after that year of inactivity was about a Trump.

A...little late for that don’t you think?

Remember when Republicans though the entire Justice Department was in the tank for Clinton when Comey said Clinton shouldn’t be prosecuted?

She said she’s putting him in charge of the economy, among other things..

Say what you will about the Republicans, but the Clinton’s have their hands in some shady shit.

Hrgh. I hate to defend the usually-shitty FBI, but I can believe its total coincidence that the FOIA requests they were processing at that moment were Clinton-related. I work at a small historical archive and we hold the papers of a minor, now-dead Romney relative. You would not BELIEVE the number of requests we still

You mean by drawing attention to the time he cleared a Clinton of wrongdoing even when it was pretty obvious that some had been committed?

It’s kind of wild that you’d make an FBI FOIA release about a Clinton’s past the headline when an earlier FBI FOIA release about a Trump’s past only garners a passing mention in the same article. Why didn’t that get the same coverage? Did you just not notice the first tweet from that account in over a year was about