
I watched some people just leave the key in and locked it with the other set of keys.

Yeah sure in a perfect situation, but this isn’t a perfect situation. You have to remember that police usually show up to a scene with the barest of details. It’s usually possible type of crime, general location, possible injuries and maybe a vague, usually wrong description of the suspects. Now add to it that you

Not sure about NYC but in California if you’re involved in any sort of altercation you are also arrested. I got jumped by two white women while I was outside smoking at a bar. I started fighting back to defend myself and the cops were called. We were all arrested. I was later released. I’m not defending the police and

He wasn’t cuffed because they needed a statement, he was cuffed because all the people involved in a fight get cuffed to prevent the fight from starting up again. Cops are supposed to keep the peace.

Bullshit. The police have to keep everyone there and figure out what happened. He wasn’t charged, wasn’t even taken away from the scene. This is how it’s supposed to work. He’s a hero and the cops did a good job too.

But he wasn’t irrationally cuffed. You’re getting to judge the situation after the fact and with a whole lot of info and a video. The cops that show up have little info to go off of when they get a call. They don’t know who did what, said what or in what order it all happened in. Given the confined space and lack of

He wasn’t arrested so there’s no bail to raise.

No, it’s pretty standard.

Apathy is a big problem in situations like these.

PIX11: “ When police from the 112 precinct arrived, they put both the suspect and Morancy in handcuffs until, Morancy says, they figured out who was the perp and who was the hero.” Really, Rachel, this is standard procedure. How are the cops supposed to know what is what right away? They sorted it out, arrested

Generally when people are in a physical altercation, you detain everyone until you figure out what happened. That’s precisely what happened. They talked to the people, figured out what happened, let go the guy who didn’t do anything wrong, and arrested the guy who did.


1) cops in NY cuff EVERYONE until they get the full story.
2) he was “detained” for all of like 30 minutes and then he took a bunch of selfies with the cops.

I want him to stop spinning this like he’s the victim. He’s been EVERYWHERE dropping his album, making youtube videos and shit. He did a good thing. The NYPD

Hamilton left the track due to a lockup, and would’ve been more dangerous if he tried to cut sharply back onto the track. Rosberg left the track due to contact with Verstappen.

It’s kind of like that Fantastic Four back in the 90's. They created that just to keep a legal hold on the rights when they should have thrown in the towel and handed the reigns over to someone else.

This sounds like Clarkson got tired of being told “you can’t do that because lawsuit” and decided to just go over the top with it to make the BBC look pedantic and envious.

I can’t wait to watch the BBC sue every news program on the planet for infringement.

Eh, I think calling beautiful scenery “beautiful” is pretty nit-picky too if the BBC decided to go after them for that. That sounds more like a gag than legit legal concerns. It honestly reminds me of the US road trip episode where they claimed they weren’t allowed to be humorous “lest Bruce Willis will come in a

Now playing

It looks like they’re really trying to push the legal envelope and see what they can get away with, such as when they were looking for their new dedicated racing driver.

To make things simple, the amount of legal action they have to take:

“So we were in the desert in Namibia and we had to go, “for legal reasons, this scenery is shit’.”