
Never been there, but I’m gonna say shrooms?

I think dodge car drivers are the worst. Every time i see a dart or avenger they always do something stupid. A few hours ago at an empty intersection a dart made a left into the two oncoming lanes, which wouldn’t have been so bad if there wasn’t a median

Wwwwwwwhat, you can turn left on red. In actually going to read traffic laws now

Yeah they’ll go for Norway first this time

Better idea that will probably happen to a few of them.

In other words mazda makes more intrusive TC and we celebrate it because mazda’s pr team said its sporty.

You exaggerating two things here.

I’ll bite

I wanted to see the animal farm!

You forgot her greatest achievement. Making everyone else feel like unacomplished pieces of shit lol

You wanted my screen name!?

WTF people actually do it and star this shit, it’s amazing on so many levels.

Yea, but you have to be convicted of a crime to go to jail. Civil forefeiture doesn’t require that.

Plus now you need an electric pump that draws power


Metallica, especially kill’em all, always gets a star

Yeah we need to put out that off duty soldiers are more likely to be wearing Afflicted T-shirts and skater shorts and generally have the same fashion sense of me in middle school.

Had it on mute because I was listening to Metallica, definitely recommend it that way.

I feel your pain. For the most part Hondas are easy to work on, but there’s always a small little thing that’s a pain in the ass. Ex the hardest part about replacing the clutch on my civic was the 4 hours punching out that F****ing shifter pin

Most quicklube places take it for free