Asshole Formerly Known as Pablo Pistoffo

Would it be possible to have these recipes available as printer friendly?

Windshield defroster? Smelly durian alert?

I’m hoping Koenigsegg had been optimistic and already built the engines, and now just sells the engines on BaT to enterprising crazy folk.

I’m still kicking myself for selling my ‘88 SPG, shit plastics, robo-seatbelts, and all. 

Typical Westbrook!

I’ve just spent the weekend autocrossing my ‘17 FiST, and am pissed that we won’t get the launch control, the optional Quaife, and the more economical 3-banger.

No, you’re wrong.

Tangent: Why the hell do people leave the tails on shrimp when peeling them? I can understand if you’re eating them alone, but when covered in sauce, there are limited ways to pull off the tail between plate and mouth while maintaining decorum.

Another reason I love my Fiesta ST is that it gets decent mileage when I’m not driving the shit out of it. 

I completely agree- my buddy and I split costs on a $600 ‘93 Loyale that we bought off some methheads in the Valley. Custom welded exhaust with a glasspack (the OE cats were clogged), some wrenching, and driving lights, and we had a nasty sounding brapmobile that my buddy won time of the day in over a bunch of Evos


Is that Carrie Underboob?

It is interesting that people will willingly buy animal flesh, knowing that someone (usually someone poorer, and disproportionately people of color) had to kill it.

A Saab, a Subaru, and a clown shoe.

I was helping a buddy disassemble a ‘13 STi that he had bought at auction, as he was after the 6 speed. It had been slid sideways at speed into something solid, and had a white wrap job. Out of curiosity, my friend looked the guy up on CourtView, and saw he had a bunch of domestic violence and alcohol related arrests.

It asks me to drive it right away without a warm-up.

Dogs are alive because we feed them and provide them with an unnatural habitat. Wolves are almost extinct because we kill them and destroy their habitat. Wolves are extremely social- with other wolves, and we have hijacked that. It’s not so much a sociability gene that dogs developed on their own, it’s because we bred

The Ford website is advertising 2018 Fiesta STs.

I found it interesting that Ford decided to save the Fiesta for (at least) another model year. Sadly, I rushed and bought my ST with no Recaros because I couldn’t find one in-state.

That’s worse than calling 911 to report an attempted murder in progress every time a Mustang gets ready to leave cars and coffee.