We want Tesla to succeed so much that we’ll publish a drip-drip feed of constant negative stories with clickbait headlines about them.
In 2000 people were worried about stupidity taking power and slowing social change. It wasn’t nearly as disappointing as the idea of hate taking power and reversing civil rights.
Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.
That’s pure Gilles Villeneuve.
That wheel lock up just transpires Dijon 1979:
“set about working on an automotive “software core” at their offices in Ottowa.”
10 PRINT “That’s what she said”
It it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Frankly I find it reassuring that our nuclear weapons systems rely on sixty year old technology that cannot be hacked and is so obscure that the average misfit from Anonymous or whatever would barely even recognize it as a computer.
That interior shot literally hurts my eyes.
Have you read about the tech used at nuclear missile silos? If not, you might not want to.
“Trés luxurie”
I think the HUD is what they are saving for final reveal. It screams HUD.
He’s always that way. I like it. It shows he's not there to act a certain way, just tell it like it is with no bullshit.
No, they don’t. And that, kids, is what you call progress
Is it better to use a huge bowl and a very small spoon or a small bowl and spoon that is so large it can barely fit into the bowl?
ISIS’ center of gravity isn’t physical, it’s fundamentally philosophical. Specifically, recruitment and support centered on the perception across the ummah that Muslims are oppressed by the West. Physically, economically, militarily...they’re decentralized.
How long did you think this would go on? Why didn’t one of your competitors, who buy up your cars to endlessly study them, X-ray them, take them apart and test them six ways to Sunday, blow the whistle in the supposedly “ruthless” automotive business?