Mike Fahey, good sir, how is your health? We hope you’re doing well. Also, Snacktaku much? :)
Mike Fahey, good sir, how is your health? We hope you’re doing well. Also, Snacktaku much? :)
Steam users seem to disagree that RCTW is worth it. It still sits at 26/27% favorable reviews on there. Let’s play videos I’ve watched all look cringey. What about it do you find redeeming, Joe?
Hey Atari, you’ve made over 2 Billion Dollars over the years! Wow! That’s a lot of money! Use some of that. You’ve lost all faith from me over the last few years, notably with RCT World and RCT “Classic”. You need to earn back my loyalty.
I agree that it would be nice if Bungie were more specific about the effects of 3OC. I also don’t think that any one person could ‘research’ the effects of one in such a short time with so little data. If the normal drop rate for exotics is .5%, and it’s increased to say, 1% ... you may not notice that difference,…
This review seems like the video game equivalent of reporting live from a battlefield. Brave.
Very entertaining and interesting breakdown, as usual, Tim. Thank you for doing this!
Yo, like, c’mon. The actual title is a spoiler. What the heck.
Good thing they still offer the McInksac, otherwise I’d really be upset.
oh, Gitatitatitatita.
I am SUCH a sucker for aesthetics, and I really hope this materializes. I’ve used the Steam theme “Metro”, which satiates my thirst for a chic interface, but I’d love if something official came out. (oh, and 4k support would be nice)
FYI- The release date got changed to today...
I thought of this one first too, but to me, it’s essentially the same melody through the whole game, tbh. Still great, though!
It’s prompting discussion. “WTF is this shit?” is kind of rude- someone’s gotta say it.
I never eat Taco Bell to go. Ever, for obvious reasons. Maybe this Whopperrito should be eaten *immediately* upon purchase?
He probably lost all his items in the lava, which get destroyed in lava.
I thought the demo to Phantom Pain was Ground Zeroes............. it sure felt like it.
JustOutsidEarth : The acronym of my name, as well as showing that I'm a bit out there O_O...