
His comments weren't racist, just chill the fuck out. A white person can talk about blacks, even bit critical of them, and it's not racist. What about all the hate at whites and white 'culture', (whatever that is?) how come that's not racist?

It doesn't help when the left media relentlessly accuses anyone questioning their narrative of being racist.

I agree with that!

Because Samus is nothing more than what she wears?

We all know a woman can't dress like this AND be strong and independent and smart and successful Women just aren't up to the task, right? They have to cover up or else they're sluts, right?

Can we please have better controls? First of all we don't need a default movement speed of a drunk stumbling through his apartment at 4am. Make it faster, so it's actually useful in game. And when you press the speed button, I don't actually want to run up every vertical object that's within a foot of me on either

Ha. Yeah whatever.

The Wii Silent Hill game was terrific, I hope they take some gameplay elements from that. Especially the personalized storyline and characters, that was really cool. Since then it's been all downhill

I got this confused with the Army Men games that 3DO used to make. Never played them, they looked like rubbish.

I play this game allll the time. Bioshock as well, but not quite as much. Love me RPG elements. That said, PSI sucks and it's impossible to play (and have fun) with a pure PSI character. Actually, playing any pure character type is pretty lame. Sooo.... maybe it's not much of any RPG after all.

You're an odd person.

Yeah no shit. I still want the best game possible. Imagine that!

Read interviews with The Witcher 3 dev team and they'll tell you it's completely disingenuous to say that developing for older gens doesn't hinder or severely limit what you can do in the game. That's just a silly notion that doesn't hold any water. And yes when you develop for old gen there are a whole range of

Why are they doing last gen? Ugh. Stop gimping your game with decade old tech.

Why is it frustrating? I understand the completionist attitude, but all this stuff comes out later on for a couple bucks extra. Who cares? This stuff never amounts to much in the full game.

What kind of a lunatic needs all this at launch? Just chill out and enjoy the freaking game and buy the extra crap later on for a couple of bucks. This is such a non-issue for 99.99% of gamers, and that .01% has issues.

Time well spent!

You'd think with all the scaled back functionality they could at least make the game look better than Sims 3.


Everyone disagrees with this list, and that's okay, because it's nice to see some recommendations. But seriously, when you're putting Kentucky Route Zero on here, this clearly isn't a serious list anymore. Just change the name of it to "12 games you should be playing" or something like that. Because you can't