
So can you use Jets at all?

Dragon Age: Origins? Really? I'm actually replaying it for the first time right now and it's having a very hard time holding my attention. I just feel it hasn't aged all that well. And you bumped The Witcher 2 for it? This list is becoming less objective and seems more prone to the impulses and whimsy of whomever

The more I see of this game, the less I'm inclined to get it. Thank god gog.com has thief 1 and 2. Anyone intrigued by this game should play those instead. Still some of the best games ever.

You're asking gamers to pick the worst games? This is a terrible idea. 1 out of 10 people will actually post something worth while, every one will just post popular and well received games just to be spiteful and petty, because that's 9 out of 10 gamers are.

I disagree. I think Max Payne 3 is the best straight action game ever, first person or third person.

Good choice. I read some article semi-recently comparing Alpha Protocol with Deus Ex, claming that like Deus Ex, this game was getting the attention and accolades it deserves years after the fact. Except Deus Ex is a good game, great even, and functions perfectly fine on at least every level of gameplay and design.

Cool pick, I vaguely remember this game actually.

I'm throwing up.

I paid good cash for 13, played through the opening section, had my dreams crushed and never touched it again. Also, the common complaint I've heard among reviews of the new game is that Lightning is the dullest character to star in a game in recent memory. Considering how craptastic the series has been of late, the

It still LOOKS like a Call of Duty game. That's my beef. At least look a little more unique.

I didn't learn till just now that there was no SP. That'll teach me not to read all those dull previews for games I'm half interested in. Well at least I can cross it off my list now and save myself some cash.

I'm as big a MGS fan as any, but it still doesn't compare. In MGS you're playing the stealth systems they've set up for you, with radar and predetermined cover spots, etc. It's fine, but it's not nearly as immersive or dynamic. It's not true stealth, it's a facsimile built up in an environment that's more oriented

That was best game in that series, I'll grant you that. But in terms of a pure stealth experience, it's Thief all the way. A first person game with no gimmicks, silly gadgets, or awkward third person camera, just a few tools at your disposal and your own ability. If I'm not mistaken, Chaos Theory, like most of that

Dishonored is fine but it in no way compares to Thief in terms of a stealth game. It's stealth lite, or something. There are no shadows, it's just going from cover to cover. But like I said, it worked fine for that game, but it's not primarily a stealth game.

There have been two games that have done stealth correctly, and made it fun. Thief The Dark Project and Thief 2 The Metal Age. I hope this game does it right as well.

I really, really , really wanted to be excited for this game. These guys made a great couple of games back in the day but I am stunned by how little their formula has changed. Not just formula, but color palette and hud layout, weapon design, the works. This barely looks like sci-fi. This looks exactly like Call

Oh right. Everyone is racist.

I love FF 7 to death. 8 was pretty cool. 10 was annoying. 12 was nice. 13 made me want to die. I really wish this series would be great again. That said, I hate the very anime-ish tone they've gone for lately, with the absurd costumes and dumb poses. I'd like a more subdued tone and style, at least when it

What a silly lie. Who does he think he's fooling? Probably just himself. This is his way of dealing with his undeserved success with stolen content. "Wow, I am just too great, I better slow down or else someone might get hurt!"

I'd say there's a 75% it'll be cancelled out right. We won't hear anything about it for months after release and then quietly they'll cancel it. They haven't done so already on the small chance Wii U starts to recover. But it won't. Which I'm not happy about, I have a Wii U, but there are 3 games worth owning on