
It is frightening. Amazon has destroyed the independent book stores for the most part. Now it seems they are acting like Big Brother is shaping what books are “good” or “bad” for us to read. It takes a very insecure person to not accept a diversity of ideas. The buck stops with the CEO of a company. They are making

Who exactly is hurt here? If people can dish out disinformation then they should be able to own it. Sometimes the most civil thing one can do is to speak up against injustice.

Tsk...tsk. Yeah it is kinda extremely important to know about the contract that YOU as a consumer have signed up for. It is absolutely our business to know. What happens hypothetically of course, when Amazon violates a law, which then affects you or a loved one? What if your very safety was at risk? What if your child

As a fellow writer, I feel bad for how some of these...ahem....BSers....I mean commenters... have circled and cornered you like prey. You owe no explanations. This is an opinion piece, is it not? I for one, am glad you wrote this article. You make good logical sense and two years later, your points are even more

What does this have to do with the price of beans? We are talking about Amazon and their business practices.


Oh yeah the bizniz is bizniz model. How is that working for people? This is a lame a** excuse for sticking our heads in the sand and not fighting for what is right. The type of hard-line bullying of workers and customers business model is dying a slow and painful death. Who pays? We do. We pay in shitty customer

And pray tell Tazzie, where do you shop? This is that Bizniz 101 again, the customer is always....wrong. At fault. To blame. The times they are a-changing and consumers are ready and Primed (a little pun there) to have a new experience of choice. We are sick of monopolies and companies who don’t play by any rules.

Well now....let’s test your theory. It has been two years since this discussion. Please tell us all the many places that we can buy this book.

You speak sense. How refreshing!

Ya know...you kinda sorta sound like an advertisement for Amazon. Why would that be? Maybe, just maybe customers don’t have a whole of choices nowadays as to how and where they shop. Name a big well known brick and mortar book store as Amazon’s competition. Barnes and Noble and....?

Say Slim, you must have taken the same Bizniz 101 class that Fdor is teaching. Naww....we know nothing of supply and demand. You are so right...must be the publisher’s fault. It couldn’t be the case where a CEOs wittle bittle feewings have been hurt can it?

Now, now Winston...fess up. You work for Amazon right?

Well gee golly wiz! I can learn all about business from Fdor. Screwing customers is business 101. Who knew? It must be so good for your type of business to avoid responsibility, lack a moral compass, engage in illegal and unethical practices. What else have you learned about bizniz?