
There is a lot of stuff that’s been bugging me, the fact that no one actually wants to “play” the game is one of them.

It’s so fucking real. High school: skipped class, hooked up, she realized she was gonna be late and had to get back, so we suddenly stopped and I drove her back to school. By the time we got there, I was in FUCKING AGONY.

Well, I can’t say I’m surprised that Destiny is trying to sell armor now... even with the caveat. And you can be sure that they’ll be wildly successful in that endeavor.

No, I think it’s relative. Buy gear to win? Annoying. This is not that. Only a sith deals in absolutes.

I don’t know. Usually I’d agree with you but as long as they don’t have some special perk or perk set, these essentially seem to be reskins. Ways of looking a particular way.

Like I said, Destiny had more content at launch than the Division has.

Ugh, this is such a poorly worded section of this article, feels designed to illicit misplaced rage. You can buy the boxes that drop the gear if you want, at LL3, then use your current gear to infuse it. Or, you can get three a week very easily (one just shows up in your mailbox every week), that also drop at LL3 and

You don’t have to buy the gear, and if you do buy it will be worthless until you infuse. It’s a not-particularly-helpful shortcut, and the gear is still just cosmetic.