Just My 2 Cents

It was an okay day at my house

The look on Patrick George’s face knowing his Camaro crash has been knocked down a notch on the list of worst GM street car crashes at Belle Isle:

If the driver gets into a collision it’d be a Tyrannosaurus wreck.

Let’s set a few more ground rules while we’re at it.

Freaking awesome. Not much else to say.

Don’t just ignore these assholes - if they’re calling you up, that means they’ve called other customers up with this scam, and it’s more than likely that it’s worked for them if they keep doing it.
Yelp reviews, local BBB chapters, or your state attorney general are all appropriate methods of alerting others that this

try a wrx too?

I half agree with what you’re saying. You can’t test drive many cars at the auto show (ours only had EV/PHEV vehicles to test). What you use it for is narrowing down the entire field of cars to the finalists, and then you test drive those at the dealership (where you also have to purchase anyway assuming it’s new).

I think auto shows matter. I actually used ours this year to gather car buying information, and then actually went and bought the car afterwards. Being able to sit in all the cars in 1 place and feel them out made a huge difference, it’s where I noticed the little things between the competition without having to drive

As if most truck owners actually use it as a truck.

the Playmobil “My First Cockpit”

When I used to work in the industry back in the 90s, we had a metric that a stopped production line was costing us $15000 per minute, so if it cost less than that to get up and running temporarily, it was worth it. It’s actually quite hard to spend money that fast. You’d be amazed how hard it is to convince a supplier

This is how 737s come into the world. They crawl out of the primordial goo at the bottom of the river, then get caught and shipped to Seattle

Better than 18th century tech?

Ah, but you know how it works:

Gotcha. Say no more.

WHen i first saw the image, i thought someone crashed into a store.

Break a contract?

When do we start the Kickstarter for $kay?

Reliable : Check