
I have a solution: winner gets in as normal, loser gets the Cardinals' spot because to hell with them (I'd also accept "They get the Angels' spot because fuck them").

And, to make matters worse, the Browns lost the game!

You think you have it bad, try being someone from PA who hates the crap. People look at you like you were the one Joe Paterno was covering for.

The best way Papelbon's career could end would be for the Philly fans to murder him via thrown batteries. Would anyone really be sad at the death of Papelbon? Also, would give the announcers of any sport much better go-to filler than "hur dur, they threw things at Santa back in the '60s!"

Totally. What we should be doing is praising his fairness as a father. Imagine if he only beat one of his kids? That one would totally have issues.

Maroon 5 is too good for this photo, this photo is more of a "Adam Levine solo-album" travesty.

Well, it's good that it was amphetamines and not steroids, that would have ruined the game.

I know Darren Rovell might be living proof that some people can be so caught up in branding (unless my theory is correct and he is just two dogs on top of one another in a human costume), but how does anyone make a statement containing the sentence "CrossFit's trademark is stronger than ever, and aspiring infringers

Glad I'm not going crazy and that this bit should have really been mentioned in the article.

I edited this to show what I just realized, it's the Dolphins. For some reason, it appeared to be a different color to me when I expanded the photo, but when I went to the full resolution one and zoomed in, it was clearly the Dolphins. The Packers one I did see, just that weirdly left alone Dolphins one on the

What team is this green one where the Saints and Bucs meet up? Did they miss that the Jets do have one county? It's doesn't look like the same green that the Eagles, Packers, or Seahawks use.

Great, there goes their immaculate coverage of Idaho's potato festival.

While I agree with upping Giroud, I cannot, in good faith, agree with any list that claims Wilshere isn't the worst. God, he's the worst.

Well, if the graphic represented all-time, why would the Seahawks be so high in douchbaggery? Before Pete Carroll (obviously a more recent hire than Eagles hiring Reid), who the hell heard from a Seahawks fan?

You bring up a great point. The chart is a fantastic idea, but doesn't seem well executed (either it's all-time and the Eagles placement can be defended but the Cowboys placement makes no sense (and how do the Texans stay on the left side of the axis?), or it's reflecting the past few years and makes even less sense).

There is another acceptable reason to use a phone: The still-stuck-in-the-stone-ages delivery place that refuses to have an online order form and won't associate with GrubHub (& others), but damnit, they have the best pizza in delivery radius, so I have to call them

Now, do you rank the Wu-Tang Clan as each individual member and see if Cappadonna can get a negative rating or do you rank them as a group, and give them an infinity for overall?