
Jon never has to watch CNN ever again. It's a happy ending.

I'm hoping for Stone Phillips in the final episode.

People wanted a Proof of Concept for a proper adaptation.

In general, it would help a lot more if white critics addressed racial issues of film more, rather than be just pushed aside and have a film be judged on its "technical" merits. People pay money to see films. Reviewers should let them know if a movie's racist.

Argo wasn't snubbed. It was validated more than it needed to be.

oddly, it does seem like the latino press (with some exceptions) are among those in the entertainment media who are keeping silent on the issue.

oddly, it does seem like the latino press (with some exceptions) are among those in the entertainment media who are keeping silent on the issue.

"Who does?" Potential consumers.

"Who does?" Potential consumers.

Jeff Ma was cool with the 21 at movie at the time. He had a cameo in it. It doesn't make that movie less wrong. And it doesn't make Argo less wrong. The subjects don't have the last word.

Jeff Ma was cool with the 21 at movie at the time. He had a cameo in it. It doesn't make that movie less wrong. And it doesn't make Argo less wrong. The subjects don't have the last word.

This movie does for American Latinos what "21" did for Asian Americans. The entertainment press says it's a fun ride, but are giving Affleck (and Hollywood in general) a free ride on whitewashing. Pass.

This movie does for American Latinos what "21" did for Asian Americans. The entertainment press says it's a fun ride, but are giving Affleck (and Hollywood in general) a free ride on whitewashing. Pass.