anything to recommend near NC?
anything to recommend near NC?
Poo-Pourri’s like magic. Second place goes to Trap-a-Crap.
Galaxy have basically made an art form out of losing to shit teams in the USOC.
Nail on the head - I had an FR-S for a spell and that was my only complaint - didn’t need more power, just more torque in (my opinion) a more usable rev range. I guess that would have only happened with a turbocharged engine with a smaller displacement? I don’t know a terrible lot about boxer engines but I imagine if…
I covered this event as well (the rally was a lot of fun, too), didn’t know any Jalopnik folks were there, sorry I missed you.
I feel the same way about manual transmissions - I might not be able to shift as quickly/efficiently as, say, a PDK, but it does add to the experience. I drove the new Carrera S last weekend and got to drive it on some public roads a bit and even though it accelerated quite well and was RWD I just felt removed from…
I’d be one of those people - I’m the kind of guy that looks at anything made by Land Rover and I say, “that’s too nice - I’ll definitely be too paranoid to drive that - I’ll fuck that up.”
Drive free or die, buddy.
They do this shit every year - and just like the St. Patrick’s DWI campaign from last week, they’ll rack up as many citations as they can, send out a press release to brag about it, and things will go right back to how they were before.
You see fewer BRZs because there were far fewer BRZs made compared to the FRS.
It’s not littering because it’s biodegradable, eh? EH?
So how loud did the ladies scream when your dad scalped the first one? Because that’s what my father would have done.
My apologies but I think I just fell in love with Ms. Albright.
Glad shit’s still being made that doesn’t “make sense.” Not everything has to make sense. Sometimes things are done just for the hell(cat) of it.
now that I know this is a thing now it’s a thing I now need on my desk
Some recalls I can agree with ... but an ignition switch issue? That’s not worth your time? That’s kind of silly. I hope nothing happens to you, bud.
Do we still have someone around selling these things to readers or is that no longer a thing?
I always park out in the middle of fucking nowhere - because every time I do it something I didn’t expect to park right next to me parks right next to me. Then I get to look at it. Because, you know, we like looking at that kind of stuff.