I'm actually gonna guess it was supposed to be charging
I'm actually gonna guess it was supposed to be charging
awesome and thank you.
I could really use that list in a political group I'm in on Facebook.
08/31/04 from my then girlfriend now wife on my first trip away from her. We had been together every day for 4 years straight up until that week.
oh so true
FML. I don't think I'm going to be able to handle daughters if this is the shit they're going to be working on me for.
The singer Brandy Norwood rear ended and killed a woman in a car accident in 2006.
try freshly cracked black pepper or drizzling a little balsamic over cut strawberries
I used to use Slacker, but switched to Spotify when it opened up for the US. Been very happy with it so far. Only find holes on occasion, but nothing major.
I stopped listening to Pandora because it seemed like whatever music I picked, it ended up devolving into European techno after a few hours.
yeah, thank god we weren't the only ones!
I can't help but think she fulfilled her 5 year beard contract and is finished with the role
The Facebook app has been getting slower and buggier over the last couple of months. Almost unusable now for me. I'm starting to use the browser more now. Less problems with redirecting to the wrong place too.
Good lord that Nora Ephron quote hit me like a sack of bricks as a foodie. Words to live by right there...
or just take your ring off earlier so the impression has time to fade
My wife throws about a dozen tea bags in the bath and soaks in it. Helps a lot with the pain.
it has a serrated pitch gauge on the back side for metric and US. You lay the screw into the grooves to find what it is.
I'm in the industrial fastener industry. When people ask what I do, I tell them I handle nuts for a living. And bolts!
you could build exactly what you want that way though. There are things I would have done different in a show off sense, but this is a perfectly serviceable rifle for me. I need to upgrade my shotgun first and get a good long rifle before I worry about the AR anymore.