
DPMS Oracle 5.56 on sale for $629 now that I remember. With tax and DROS it was a little over $700.Great gun with great reviews. I've upgraded the foregrip and stock and I have a scope and a red dot for it. Very pleased with it so far.

I forget my wedding ring and watch about twice a week. My iPhone never leaves my side...

exactly the situation, snowflakes or don't care. Either way, the child is given a great disservice. We worry about leaving a better world for our kids, when are we going to start worrying about leaving better kids for our world?

if I found out my kid was part of that, I would seriously lose my shit on them. Expect to live in an empty room without anything nice or any privileges until they got out of my house along with being volunteered for community service 40 hours a week during vacation until 18 years old.

You could completely arm yourself for $1500. I bought my AR-15 for $700, my Glock 22 for $500 and I can get a standard Mossberg 500 for about $330.

honestly the only explanation. as far as I can tell, there were no insults or derision directed towards the reader as well.

You can buy the Saiga 12 from any good gun dealer. They run about $700 at shows. Not a big deal at all.

its been amazing watching the quick change from the rabid Apple fan to acknowledging that there are other viable options out there.

My custom Timbuk2 was more than that. Premium messengers are an investment that will last you forever.

Actually, Nabisco had to redo the recipe for the Chinese market after the cookie bombed in the 90's. NPR did a show on the changes.

I very likely would have lost my shit completely and done the same. I would probably be distraught over it, but I think I could get over it very quickly knowing I saved my child from having to go through a trial and ensuring this piece of shit never did anything like this again.

oh man, that is horrible to hear. My deepest condolences to you and your family. I will be sure to hug my Cody when I get home.