just jo

AOC is classier than me. Large Marge is fucking jealous of AOC. AOC is smart, educated, classy, serves her constituents, has the respect of other adults, and of course she’s very attractive. Marge is just...large.

Can we all please just agree to send the trump supporting crazies somewhere?

good point

I’m a big fan of Jezebel, but this shit needs to stop. What’s with the title? A geriatric drip.........c’mon this is the kinda online bullshit that starts people picking sides. Haven’t we had enough of that? But this saying any damn thing you want about the elderly is just WRONG. Many of the folks at the capitol on

Sad that not just kindness is mistaken for weakness in the USA now but apparently even civility is taken as a sign of weakness. She should NOT apologise. The tone was set a long time ago, the anti pearl clutchers will get over it.

So the MOST important thing out of this, is not only will my 3 year old grand daughter grow up learning that a woman ACTUALLY in charge is normal, but the lovely little boy who lives across the street will also. And that the partnership will benefit ALL of us. Don’t ever forget the “old ladies” and allies who put up

me too!

Former, very proud Girl Scout Leader here, from a large “inner city” group. (you can read whatever you want outta that descriptor), adults who are commenting, this is NOT ABOUT you or your feelings. I don’t know who or what screwed up at GS headquarters, but this is about little girls who are looking at how WE, as

It’s a 15 minute drive if you are a regular “Jo “ who lives there and has to wait for lights and traffic. If you are POTUS or a rock star your caravan and screaming sirens with a motorcade could have done it in 5 minutes.

Just exactly HOW is your life better than it was before trump was in office?

Me too! I can’t believe I am actually hoping someone will get sick and die. I wasn’t raised like that. This is what our country’s culture is doing to people.

You didn’t lose, he cheated. We all lost when you didn’t take office.

My husbands family, (white) in Florida, nnnnuuuuuuuutttttsssss! as fuck.


There are 3.75 billion women in the world? I know many are too oppressed to speak up. But what about the rest of us? I’m watching the Blacks Civil Rights movement for a second time and wondering WTF? Like I totally get it. It can only help “other” oppressed groups. But seriously why do we all need to be separately

Whiskey, in general for all things, according to my Mum, including but not limited to earaches, toothaches, cranky babies, cramps especially, head cold, chest cold and insomnia. Much later in life I found it had a claming effect for lice, not the parasites, but for my hysterical 13 year daughter. Made it much easier

Whiskey, in general for all things, according to my Mum, including but not limited to earaches, toothaches, cranky

are men EVER wrong?just wrong? dead to rights, no argument, no defense just wrong?

fuck you

A republican concept if there ever was one

After 29 years in the classroom, it never ceases to amaze me that people think because most everyone has been in a classroom , that they know how a classroom should function and how to do my job. That’s the first mistake. You certainly wouldn’t want me to operate on you, fix your car or pull you out of a burning