
Don't you dare shrek my stringer.

Her words:

It's not sexual assault in any key.

It's not sexual assault in any key.

My friend wrote this on fb today and she makes some provocative points:

Yeah I'm tired of assigning feelings to people in pics. Enough have come forward and taken ownership of their stories saying they absolutely love the guy.

yet joe has more foreign policy experience in his pinky nail than dumpster will have in a lifetime. and he never sexually assaulted anyone.  sleep on that, moron.

No. I won’t stop insisting individuals have agency or the right and responsibility to speak up for themselves in the moment.

Did your extreme discomfort prompt you to say anything to that man? Explore that. You have to advocate for yourself. We are not powerless. 

My ENTIRE kingdom to see “gazillions” of moms/grandmoms in Biden's position.  

Did you hold a press conference about it? Get those mics ready.

And if a 76 year old grandma kisses someone on the head, face, etc, it's endearing. 

if biden was a woman, he’d be a “caring grandma” because physical affection is considered effeminate. it’s the same reason hillary *couldn’t* show physical affection.

Neither woman said anything to Biden at the time

here’s some nose rubbing:

JFC what’s the point of this article? another biden headline? everything said here has been stated ad nauseum elsewhere - except for the comparison to dog the bounty hunter. that’s a new one.

no worries. i can’t be expected to watch 4 minutes of anything.

did anyone say anything *to* him? seems like everyone either started a whisper campaign or wrote an op-ed or ran to social media.

in the inimitable words of big daddy kane, “put a quarter in your ass”