
I just knew it was Melissa Rivers.

LOVE mountains. LOVE the symbolism. One of the highlights of my life was singing it with Wendy & Lisa (and the girls say) this past April. Their show was so healing.

The vault disc is sublime.


I WISH I LOVED TOMATOES. I CAN’T. i popped a cherry tomato in my mouth, willed myself to love it and almost barfed. i guess it’s a (annoying air quotes) “texture thing”. i eat all tomato products and can eat them diced finely in assorted mexican foods. but a big ol slice? can’t. :(

Aziz is manic pixie dream boy.

i swear to G (not gwyneth) goop made me feel like my autoimmune disease was my fault - or punishment - for being codependent. like my childhood and resulting trauma wasn’t enough. fuck that shit.

- you didn’t watch it for me. i watch it for my damn self.


Not afraid. BEING IN PAIN, actually being in pain is the reason. I’ve been on some form of opiate for 10 years. Still effective.

I flew on a delta buddy pass wearing a short pajama set. No problems. (My friend actually asked me what I was wearing on the plane. I was like, ‘this’ and she was all ‘no really’ but I got no guff.)

Point of note: the memoir is titled “The Most Beautiful”. Additionally, she miscarried another child with him. Devastating.

He wasn’t a witness then.

hell hath frozen over and it feels so good.


FUCK. THAT. I reject the notion that she needed to spoon feed and ass wipe these babies. EDUCATE YOUR DAMN SELF.

All I listen to are r&b xmas songs so, yes. I love Alexander O’Neal’s “my gift to you” and faith evans’ “Christmas Lullaby” makes me cry. every. time.